Friday, July 17, 2020

Dreams of Flying Machines ~ Friday, July 17, 2020

To write is to confine experience, 
however absurd, into a prison, 
entering the restrictions of language. 

Given our limitations, this sentence 
recreates the boundaries of our setting, 
entertaining the reader with treason 
attributes to a player on the stage 
the crime of betrayal to our country. 

Anarchismo is a young man betting 
morbidly on the graves of his parents, 
engaged in throwing dice against tombstones, 
recreation and chance, fortune presents 
itself within a crypt of family bones, 
cool to the touch, the damp floor sets him free, 
as he imagines Parliament on fire, 
nervously, he dreams of flying machines. 

Nothing but empty thoughts arise, his plan, 
only a seed, involves hydrogen gas, 
via dirigible balloons, to scan 
eagle-eyed, the House of Lords, and let pass 
lighter-than-air aircrafts invites a pyre. 

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