Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hard Luck Chukar ~ Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hitchhiking, a family / picked Alec up, the road / as barren as the fields, / 
ask Alec why he killed / the husband and his wife / and he'll tell you, "Because..." / 
remember Alec killed / the little girl and boy, / ask him why them as well, / 
"do not be offended, / I saved them the trouble / that this hard luck life wields..." //

Little did Alec think / about his own family, / about the life he left, / 
under the influence / of the monkey he swiped / a loaded gun, the paws / 
claws deep inside his brain, / he saw a car, money, / and not a death row cell, / 
kiss each moment goodbye, / Alec lived each moment / as if it were his last. // 

Chukar, a family name, / from Pakistan, Alec / fled, his family bereft, / 
his father wonders how / a son could abandon / his country and mother, / 
under the influence / of the monkey, he found / the future meaningless, / 
kiss each moment goodbye / and live in the present, / but why kill your brother, / 
angry at his mistakes, / angry at his family, / Alec embraced the stress / 
rough sleepers on the road / who never catch a break / see time trapped in the past. // 

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