The need to rush, a visceral feeling,
however urgent a demand is made,
exacts consequences for a rash act,
nothing more important is to be done,
essentially the insistence comes from
external forces, a higher power
decides to act to a recent event,
trying to understand why such actions,
originally unthought, must occur
reminds each person we are just a tool
under the weight and force applied by whom,
someone we may never meet, a person
higher up on the long chain of command,
a demand is necessary to meet,
visionaries foresee it's conclusion,
in that. if A then B, is logical,
simple conditional application
creates an understanding, motivates
each individual to act within
reasonable conditions, or even
act as a sacrifice, the greater good
lets us believe in a sense of honor,
from this sacrifice, someone else attains
exactly what is needed to achieve
each goal in a progression to an end,
leaves each individual knowing that
in the case of no choice, a sacrifice
needs be made to effect a useful change,
granted such an act is deliberate.
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