Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Big Picture ~ Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Conformity requires no energy, 
original creative solutions 
need people to address given problems 
free of platitudes or leadership-speak, 
organic ideas need people to think, 
recent waves of violence need answers, 
murder rates rising creates apathy, 
inspiration doesn't come from posters, 
true motivation sees light at the end, 
yes, the world's a mess, stop saying be nice, 

remember, if everyone is the same, 
everyone loses their unique nature, 
quit acting like sheep, we are not a herd, 
under the circumstances, even teams 
in sports need different attributes of strength, 
real compassion is tough, stronger than nice, 
everyone being individuals 
silences the need for conformity, 

nice really doesn't cut past the bullshit, 
only those who detect are effective, 

energy creates, maintains and destroys, 
no one survives outside this narrative, 
even if everyone were really nice, 
really, how boring would everyone be, 
given the problems our world now faces, 

yes, nice is nice, but tough gets the job done. 

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