Thursday, December 31, 2020

Crimson Silence ~ Thursday, December 31, 2020

Why that bum thought the name a good idea,
heaven knows. I played drums, a low profile,
yes, I was no frontman, no stage singer.

Christ, I was practically hidden, the fear
rests behind those cymbals in my childhood,
in high school, I had dreams to run the mile,
master paradiddles, be a ringer,
someone who'd make it big, in my own field,
only I didn't know myself, the good
nurtured the bad, I became a lost soul.

Punk was a role to play, and an outlet,
until it died before we tried, the goal
needless to say was sound, music, our bet,
kindling for beach bonfires, nothing to wield.

Sick in the head, I lost my way, all hope
incessantly drained from my mind, my heart
licked, crushed, the wheels of industry kicked butt,
exactly when I sold my kit to cope
not with drug addiction but credit cards,
cash rules everything around me, my start
exactly then to clean up the deep cut.

When I was in a band, I was not lost,
as we watched out for each other, the shards
still cut me to the quick, such is failure.

Born from ashes, I wrote, and word was bond,
only thirty years later, words can cure,
nurture a nostalgia for what was fond,
despite my lost dreams, music was the cost.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Deep Blue Arc ~ Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Left alone with the stars, the crimson moon
awaits the wolf to howl in the forest.

Ultima Thule beckons on this last day,
last because the sunrise is not immune
to skepticism, scientific doubt,
in the deep blue sky, the stars never rest,
millennia burst forth never to say
an unkind word to birds not in the know.

Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, stout
until laparoscopic surgery
relieved the polar lights need to delight
orbital satellites in perjury
recognizant of behavior, despite
a giant wolf ready to slay her glow.

~ ~ ~ 

Inspired by:

La luna / The Moon (ll. 41-44)

by Jorge Luis Borges

Translated by Alan S. Trueblood

In a certain ironclad wood is said to dwell
a giant wolf whose fate will be to slay
the moon, once he has knocked it from the sky
in the red dawning of the final day. ("La última aurora")

A Candle for Prince Charles ~ Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why imagination precedes all thought,
horrible to conceive a candle smote,
yet, the wind blows in all directions,

imagine when you are cold, you are hot,
melting lava covers a mountainside,
and when you are hot, you are cold, devote
generous emotions to inspections
inside a crevasse within an iceberg,
nothing is more important than to glide
as if your life depended on vision,
to see without the eyes, the gift of sight,
in this world there is no worse decision,
of course, than to see only with the bright
notion that a flame burns in Luxembourg.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Metaphysics: Total Trash ~ Monday, December 28, 2020

My soul is in heat, like a bitch, hungry,
yes, hungry for action, hungry for dick,

son of a bitch, we're just sons of bitches,
of carnal lust, of molten flesh, angry
underhanded schemers, love 'em and leave,
lighthearted flibberty-gibbets, their trick

is to disappear once their flesh itches
simply for a light touch from Dear Old Scratch

in Dear Old Stockholm, nothing up his sleeve,
nothing at all, Skratte goes as he please,

hungry for stink, for some pink, with a wink,
eyes catch Old Scratch and smile, never a tease,
a mischievous sleaze, a skank in the clink,
to give the Devil his due is a match.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Until It's Too Late ~ Sunday, December 27, 2020

Well, you see, I didn't choose to be born,
even though, you know, nobody else did,
leave it to our parents to decide fate,
life and death is easy like that, to scorn

your parents, well, they chose life, so you live,
of course, I never got to make a bid,
unless I did, I wouldn't know, too late,

see, to know if I chose this life or not,
eventually, biology must give
everyone a certain level of drive.

I can't imagine we chose our parents,

decent people don't think why they're alive,
if they question anything it's presents
delivered to the reception, they caught
nose in hand to show displeasure, it stinks
to imagine how ungrateful we are,

casualties of society, disgust
harbors the ships we sail with all our kinks,
only we don't complain if we made it,
only when we wish on a shooting star,
silently hoping for our dreams done bust,
eclipsed by the dust and rust of iron,

try again, they say, though it stinks of shit,
of lives lost to neglect and hopelessness,

burdened by fate, by birth, the weight of smoke
escapes meaning when all is emptiness,

birth and death happen until we all choke
on the fumes, carbon monoxide, I burn
responsible exhaust in our garage,
nobody notices love's sabotage...

Wide Open ~ Sunday, December 27, 2020

The devil is in the details...
  hungry for attention, I saw
    enlightenment as a way out,

        drunk with precision never fails,
          entranced by my exactitude,
            visions of angles was the law
              in raising geometric doubt,
                left alone, a precocious mind

                  is seen as a threat by our crude
                    simpleton administrators,

                       inside my mind, it's full of stars,
                         no two connections opens doors,

                           trapped in a prison made of bars,
                             holding the keys, perforce to find
                               enlightenment itself a game,

                      .            demon-haunted world, I drown
                                      enlisting angels with singed wings
                                        to guide me through this maze I name
                                          argument in a foreign tongue,
                                            if I spoke the language of brown
                                              legislators, as David slings
                                                stones, I connect stars with doors flung...

Weak at the Knees ~ Sunday, December 27, 2020

It must be tough...
              being terribly beautiful,
 to be born is never enough,
         still, the birth of Venus
                           harbors ideas of intimidation,
   men look but won't approach,
                   tragic how expectations rise,
                         given the male gaze,
                       ugly, our heritage, as men,
       understanding nothing but our own needs,
            trembling to face off with Aphrodite,
                 even Artemis, the hunter,
                      or Athena, the warrior...

I plead the fifth out of sheer ignorance.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Bloodbath ~ Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Justice is two in the back of the head,
under the Second Amendment, believe,
shoot the guilty and the righteous alike,
time is not on our side, we've made our bed,
if we wait for revolution, we may
cancel our plans to seek truth, to achieve
equality from slaveholders, crimes spike

impunity in government, pardon
slaveholders, our Founding Fathers, to say

that privilege and entitlement won't last,
won't succeed for generations, won't break
our backs carrying bags of cotton, past

involvement in keeping down, for our sake,
noble ideas and principles, garden

the imagination, the Eden tree,
heaven and hell, First Amendment, free speech,
even if we believe in the handgun,

believe in violence, a killing spree,
arguably justified by the law,
created to defend these rights, to preach
killing for killing sake, under the sun

of light and dark shadows, murder is good
for business, private equity firms saw

that our work made money one hundredfold,
how we got rid of sycophants, cronies,
endless lines of politicians, our bold

hubris against false gods, against phonies,
egalitarians, humanists stood
a chance, we destroyed their environment,
does justice need violence, heaven sent?

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Procrastination ~ Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Today, I did not lay in bed
       and try to write poems
                     no one wants to read
                       or listen to aloud.

             I did write one poem
                              and posted it online,
                          then I got up,
     decided to take a hot shower,
   only to discover,
         yes, discover...

               deciding to do anything
                  is no
                    decision in a court of law,

                          to decide is not to be decisive,

                             laying in bed,
                               yes, can be more productive,


                                         bedridden injury cases,
                                          examples of the worst
                                            decisions ever made.

Ubiquitous ~ Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Mythology names the days of the week,
yesterday was Monday, based on the moon,
today is Tuesday, based on the god, Týr,
how Woden became Wednesday, not from Greek,
of course, but Germanic sources, the name
lifted from Old Norse, Óðinn, rough hewn
old codger, a frenzied nature, to stir
giant cauldrons with bubbling broth, a brew
yet imagined to drink and drive insane,

never forgetting Thor and his thunder
as Thursday storms through ancient sacred groves,
muscle and strength, the might of his hammer,
ever present after humpday, in droves,
spitting camels walk the desert, pass through

the eye of the needle, until Friday,
hallowed as the halls of Fensalir, Frigg
eternally dwells as our morning star,

desired as Odin's beloved wife, bray
as a donkey at play, for we are free
yet obliged to pay homage with a sprig
splayed sprightly on a lapel sleeve, not far,

of course, from a beating heart, for we live
freely to make merry, a shopping spree,

to take our minds off work, making money,
how we labor, while we get the weekend
entirely to ourselves, unless funny,

wonders never cease, managers befriend
endless workweeks with more labor, we give
everything of ourselves, while Saturday
kills Sunday, Saturn castrates ocean spray.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Saṃsāra ~ Sunday, December 20, 2020

The beauty of being born untainted
        by religion or ideology,
                     obviously involves the innocent
                          baby before all indoctrination,
                                    before the mores of society
                                              undermine the unblemished mind of God;

  humanity has become a nightmare,
         even as we speak, so to speak, through words
                        forgotten since time immemorial
                                engineering language games centuries
                                        old as tricks of poets to accomplish
                                               nothing as sinister as solitude;

     enter the deception of creation,
               ancient as paintings within cave dwellings,
                               in this state of preternatural grace
                                           religion designates as beyond time,
                                                  truth be told, humans are not just mortal;

                  until we uncover this mortal coil
                                  not simply as a tool, mythology
                                          nudges us to regard the shears, the skull
                                                     attached to the spinal column, at rest;

                       tranquil as memento mori, as death,
                                     giving life threads to cut, bonds to sever,
                                                         instituting madness as divine law;

                        yet, the unborn fetus knows the body,
                                                         nothing more, nothing less than the body;

                                                               this is not a problem until after
                                                              embarking on a spiritual journey,
                                                                destiny is not a destination.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Evolution ~ Saturday, December 19, 2020

In the year 2867, nothing took place as there was no one left to perceive an event or occurrence, however large or small to document, eyewitness, testify to God above.

Yet, this is not to say, there was no life; earth remained resilient after people arguably couldn't control climate; resulting in a world without humans.

2867 was a year welcomed by all planetary species, welcomed and hailed as a new beginning, even with people gone, the trees soon thrived, nourished by natural development the forests took over former cities, yes, inhabited lands now deserted.

Enchanted forests grew out of control in the year 2867, given that people weren't there to cut down huge swathes of timberland, the trees started to communicate with the stars above.

Stars shined brighter, city lights disappeared in the year 2867, xenophobia killed all the humans, the trees felt great sorrow but could now breathe, yes breathe a sigh of joy, the trees were free.

Since the last extinction, humans tried hard, ever so hard to stay a vital force, virtually absent towards the end, entropy was a myth, the parasites now wiped out completely, the trees survived.

Ephemeral Beauty ~ Saturday, December 19, 2020

Because I saw the void, I understood,
even as a small child, nothing was real,
creation was a joke, but no one knew,
as I saw emptiness before the flood,
under the influence, I saw ethics
simply as a control, a tool to steal
everyone's livelihood, while money grew,

I escaped into myths to discover

science was but a stage of logistics
answerable only to the mirror,
wisdom was meaningless before the void,

the fact I played along with the terror,
horrible nothingness, an asteroid
enters our atmosphere, a false lover,

visions of dinosaurs wiped off the face
of the planet, earth was at the mercy
in space of becoming infertile land,
desertification, without the grace

I could bestow as I did not exist,

until I could set free controversy,
negated as unreal, as grains of sand,
difficult was my task to unconceal
experience as time, fleeting as mist,
resolve the same problem over again,
sandwiched between moments, I saw the void,
transformed by a vortex, I felt the bane
of existence, a man now unemployed,
only waiting for death as to reveal
decisively the truth, the beau ideal.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Famous for Nothing ~ Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Selim Sivad was famous for nothing,
energetic, crazy intelligent,
lethargic and lazy, he spurned all work,
in his own way he did work, for he'd sing
melodies to music never once heard.

Selim would sit in a field, no one sent
invitations but a crowd formed, a lark
very high above his head would sing notes
and Selim would interpolate in word
difficult phrasing of ancient birdsong,

work for Selim was play and throngs would form
and follow as he walked home, nothing wrong
save for an inexpressible earworm,

forgotten since childhood, floating dust motes
angle in the window, a certain light,
mites emit time signatures in strange keys,
obviously, only Selim could hear
underwhelming noises of sound in flight,
skies empty of clouds, dharma burning blue,

for Selim heard emptiness in a breeze,
ordinary people, busy with fear
received no understanding from beyond,

noticing nobody else had a clue
of the origin of music and time
the young singer exploited his assets
hungry to escape poverty and crime
in the city and the country, where bets
nobody but God makes in a big pond,
granting Selim amnesty as his bond.

We Were Kids Once ~ Tuesday, December 15, 2020

I was young once, an avid listener,

well before I was an adult, I bought
albums on vinyl records to hear on
stereo speaker systems in high school,

young and in love with the dream of music,
of making love and creating new sounds,
under the influence of affluence,
no one wanted it all to work out more,
granted I had no inherent talent,

obvious to my friends who kept silent,
no one could play and no one gave a damn,
considering we hung out together,
every dream, dark clouds with silver linings,

as we grew apart, we drifted and left,
nobody stayed in our little beach town,

as we tumbled through time for thirty years,
visions and dreams changed context, perspective,
intuitions failed with our marriages,
developing a wisdom no one else

languishing in sorrow, in salt and dust,
in acid rain along the coast, would learn,
stolen kisses all gone forever now,
take me back when I hear a song back then,
even now I wonder what happened to...
needless to say, they got lost in firewood,
ending up in a bonfire on the beach,
remember when we listened to records.

Neo-Totalitarianism ~ Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Death to the Chinese Communist Party,
end your authoritarian campaign,
anti-Semitism against Uighurs
no ideology is so hearty.

Killing minorities in labor camps,
end your reeducation or abstain
marketing products for cheap amateurs,
pray to your ancestors for a pardon.

As an anti-communist, I buy stamps,
rendering repressive regimes futile,
no ideology is so worthy,
only governments that hide crimes brutal,
letting disease spin us topsy-turvy,
decidedly neglecting their garden.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Milk and Honey ~ Monday, December 14, 2020

All the writers in this book are dead now,
lucky for them they don't have to worry
lifting the weight of words to measure light

to write poems nobody reads, the prow
honors the sailors on the ship, the spine
excites the reader, We're in No Hurry,

worked out before everyone passed, the bright
readers understand everyone will die,
in time even I will move on, that's fine,
to read or write about this life, to tell
entertaining stories to capture hearts,
readers seek writers who sit in a well,
storytellers who write in fits and starts,

in anthologies, we see through the lie,
nobody cares when we're already dead,

to publish or perish doesn't matter,
how many readers of poetry care
if they get to meet the authors, the head
sinks after meeting our heroes, our friends

believe we're as mad as the Mad Hatter,
only they don't know about the Grey Hare,
or was it, the White Rabbit, and Alice
kissed Wonderland goodbye, every life ends

as remarkably as it starts, writers,
readers aren't usually basketball stars,
even if boxers, MMA fighters

decided to write poetry, the bars
enjoy their work more than writers, the price:
arduous climbs up steep slopes offer
death-defying mountain climbers, we read

now and again in newspapers, the greed
of sports and politics, empty coffer
we fill with dreams unfulfilled, must I plead?

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Eknupf Ist ~ Saturday, December 12, 2020

Why was it always so difficult, so
hard to get along, to speak up, to see
yesterday as never again the same.

Was I such a bad person, I could go
against the grain so easily, but time
slipped through my fingers, the waves of the sea

inhabit my memories without blame,
truth and wisdom became a game, I wept

angry tears, my whole life a waste, I rhyme
lines together on a tapestry loom,
wisdom creates metaphors to conceal,
answers arise by watching questions bloom,
yesterday, I understood, to reveal
secrets guides threads of the warp and the weft.

Shy and quiet as a child, no one knew,
only I experienced solitude.

Difficult to process sorrow and pain,
in solitude, I felt alone, I grew
feisty not knowing why, drama unfolds
firstly so unbelievable, the rude
initiation amongst the insane
cult of personality, I could show
underneath the rooftop, a few chokeholds
left unspoken to friends who had no clue,
the silence streamed through my veins as denial.

So simple for some to speak up, the glue
objects to letting go, was I on trial...

Taurokathapsia ~ Saturday, December 12, 2020

Acrobats somersault over bull horns,
cautiously leaping towards charging beasts
restless to thresh pain, to gore flesh and bone,
obtuse angles, skull to flank, the king scorns
skillful performers for rank amateurs,
terror unfolds before they leap, the priests
in attendance await orders to stone
catapulted dancers hurled down on high.

Succor for aerial gymnasts incurs
obligatory jeers, priests in the crowd
nurture contempt for assistance, dismal
newcomers amount to fool's dust, heads bowed,
entertainers dismount touching distal
tips to flip from the small of the back, spry.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

For Whom to Forgive, to Forget the Past ~ Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Maggot Picker did not want to get out of bed today
as he expected rain or cold or snow or clouds or mist,
given the inclement weather, he preferred to stay home,
guaranteed to get nothing done, for with nothing to do,
only suck on nine-volt batteries his brother left him
to test with his tongue straight from the package for shock value...

Perhaps he would review his life with his parents, his dad
in a tin box, his mom always holding a sharp cleaver,
clever little young man who steals watches his mother hold
kisses back to threaten to cut his hand off at the wrist,
even tears streaming down does not stop her getting her kicks,
reason allows parents to discipline behind closed doors.

Runaway little man, your pugilist father will strike
under no conditions except drunken in the 80s,
not to be held accountable for harm done to his son,
not to forget karma is a concept used to control
entire nations with stinking breath from his older brother,
reeling from his childhood, Maggot Picker stayed home today.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Outshined ~ Sunday, December 6, 2020

All that effort and not one goal, we lost,
lost badly, for ninety minutes we played,
lost by four goals, the other team played well.

That we get paid to play comes at a cost,
honor on the pitch can make some queasy,
ankles sprained, collisions, tumbles displayed
there on TV, owners buy and sell

each player for a trade, we are cattle,
for this show we get paid, win or lose, see,
fight another day, take a shower, go home,
outscored on the pitch, let it go, live free,
run laps, train hard, life under the blue dome,
tragically, for us is never easy.

Arguments over pay, quite the battle,
nobody minds the superstars, but fans,
decidedly, our supporters make plans.

Notwithstanding, we get paid, make the grade,
only God decides if we get to play,
to play professional soccer, fútbol.

One goal can decide a match, the worst fade
non-existent into a past unknown,
essentially forgotten, fade to gray.

Greatness shines in the spotlight, por un gol,
often, we hold heroes in high esteem,
architects of the beautiful game, grown
limber with the bicycle kick whose fame,

world renowned, travels in circles, reports
elegant as the game itself, no shame

letting loose on the page, let there be snorts
of appreciation, these are the cream,
suffering hard childhoods, their love is great,
to speak of Pelé, O Rei, witness fate.

Burning Down the Forests ~ Sunday, December 6, 2020

My way and journey is not yours,
your way and journey is not mine.

Way-seeking mind seeks out no faults,
admonishing opens no doors,
yesterday, I awoke to find

answers to resolve without fine,
no punishment so great that halts
discipline through admonition.

Just as my mind is not your mind,
only in this way can I seek
understanding as my one goal,
resolve to watch the path the creek
negotiates in its own role,
ensures the starter's ignition
yes, fires up fires within the soul,

ignite the fires within to burn
shelter after shelter to dust,

nothing can make damaged minds whole,
only the journey and the way,
to find fault, the child cannot learn,

yet, mistakes must be seen, we must
observe the mind within a field,
understand to grow whole we pay
restitution for mistakes, yield
solemnly before sweeping floors.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Paris Agreement ~ Saturday, December 5, 2020

Why we never saw simple solutions
of the past as problems for the future...

The same goes for ourselves in present time,
our solutions today create problems
for future generations to undo.

Don't clap at your so-called hard work, treaty
makers, at the end of your conference.

You wouldn't have to design a game plan,
a global initiative for mistakes
sustained by our present generation.

Get the job done, wipe your ass and move on.

Do you clap after you go to the loo,
like you would praise an infant in regards
to her adaptation abilities?

Grow up! Earth needs better problem-solvers.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Elephantine ~ Thursday, December 3, 2020

What is elephant poetry? Maybe I didn't quite
hear you clearly, maybe I have wax in my ears,
are you sure elephants don't write in verse, if I
tomorrow afternoon wake up as an elephant, I

ignorant of the fact, would try to write in verse,
syllables counted, cushions under my manus,

elephant tusk dipped in a well of dark blue ink,
levity aside, to hold the paper in place, a trunk
enters the picture as an impossible proboscis,
probability of success, the degree zero of lost
humanity, no longer my human form, how do I
answer the question of language, of empathy,
now more readily available as an elephant, if I
translate elephantine to English, do I succeed

poetically, does elephant poetry sound like an objet d'art, small, beautiful but useless in form,
eloquent for elephants but not poetry in words
trying to be something I am not as if by magic,
reality sets in, I find myself trapped inside this
yellow vase, imagining I'm a tiny bull elephant.

This Is a Public Service Announcement ~ Thursday, December 3, 2020

Because you took everything for granted
evidently you needed me to come
cause havoc and mayhem on my visit
and leave everyone touched, disenchanted,
unsure about the future or the past,
silly me, I saw the alarm, how dumb,
evidently, you thought I gave a shit.

You imagined I came to help you out,
obviously, with me, nothing can last,
ugly as I seem, check out the mirror.

Tragic, my appearance, the destruction
ordinary people watch in terror,
of course, if you can't survive infection,
kiss the cruel world goodbye, up the whale's spout.

Ending up doing backflips into space,
very surprised to find yourself up here,
exiting in a spectacular way,
really better than dying in disgrace,
your ass exposed for all to see, the air
travels slowly to your lungs as you fear,
how a ventilator, just for today,
indeed saves your miserable life for now,
no one comes to visit you from nowhere,
granted they can't, but I did, and how. How?

Forsaken by family and friends who cry,
of course, they're sad you're gone, they could go, too,
remember them whichever way you go.

Go, now that you are gone, how could you die,
really, you chose to embrace your own death,
as for me, a deadly virus, I knew
no one could outrun me, I am their foe,
tremendous is my strength, longevity,
endurance is beauty, with your last breath
decidedly, I mourn your brevity.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Fresh Hell ~ Tuesday, December 1, 2020

"What fresh hell is this?"
~ Dorothy Parker

The divorce was amicable. As we were during our separation. The end of our marriage was anything but... In fact, the whole marriage was pretty much a sham. But that was my fault as much as her own. I'd call it a starter marriage.

Your first marriage should be wedded bliss and end in the death of one or both partners through no fault of their own. To end up a grieving widow or widower is better than suffering the futility of a divorce. Love is a celebration of two minds brought together in holy matrimony, so to speak. But this is unnecessary in our lifetime as values change.

Today, we live in an age where swipe left finds love and this love lasts for as long as a tryst between two or more people who may or may not know each other well or even on a first name basis. My ex-wife and I met at the bookstore, or was it at Bible study, and then she came to the bookstore where I worked to study. My co-worker invited me to Bible study at her church. That's right, invite an atheist to your Bible study group to observe practice.

It may be best to say I was a novice Zen Buddhist practitioner than an outspoken atheist critic of religion. I was a renegade, black sheep, lapsed Roman Catholic searching for faith in a meaningless world.

Thirty years plus after I began to study philosophy and Zen Buddhist practice, I still follow the teachings and sutras of the Buddha and zen masters of China and Japan. I had a flash of satori in my late teens when I sat in zazen at home regularly, was out of work, and slowly going mad from lack of food, an imbalanced diet as a strict vegetarian, better known to most as vegan, but ignorant.

I practically starved my body and mind to see the light travel across a room. I was going to meetings for adult children of alcoholics and other dysfunctional families. I was fucked from the start, pardon my French, and was anything but marriage material. But my ex-wife and my parents thought it a good idea.

What a fucking nightmare! I was the last person in the world who should have been married and for five years. What a joke!

But my parents bought the rings since they liked S----. She was pretty and smart, and about to graduate from graduate school in Speech Pathology. I'd just finished my bachelor's degree, cum laude, in Philosophy and Foreign Languages, French and Russian.

I was ready for adventure, to learn about people, culture, places, and languages. I wanted to learn how to teach English as a Foreign Language, or a Second Language and travel like my friend and co-worker who made a life and a living teaching abroad. It seemed like fun to me back then at the turn of the century. After 9/11, the world shut down.

Racism in America against Asians started. I suffered discrimination as a kid growing up but no one was out to kill me in reprisal for the deaths on that fateful day. I had friends in high school and in college who thought I looked like a mujahedeen, with or without my beard. A beautiful thick and lustrous, black beard which now is salt-and-pepper white.

I was a son of immigrants from India who grew up in Kenya, East Africa. With their British passports, valid green cards, and thick accents, my parents stood out in America.

Not so much in New York City, where we arrived with my older brother, their first born son, their privileged and entitled eldest son.

I was nothing compared to him, chopped liver looked better on the plate than I did to my parents. I was sickly, whiny, took to crying, angry, quiet, and generally kept to myself.

Looking back, I felt like a character in a novel, perhaps a short story by J. D. Salinger.

I enjoyed reading very much, especially during college, my year at UCI, when I spent my free time listening to records and reading the works of Albert Camus. I was a poor student.

I was living at home with my parents and commuting by car to campus every day.

By my third trimester, I was in tears, not knowing why, a total mess. I visited a social worker on campus who handed me a book.

It Will Never Happen to Me by Claudia Black, Ph.D.

I started going to meetings and began my process to recover my lost childhood.

Amy was a wonderful listener and set me on the path of recovery so many of us long for.

I left UC Irvine on medical withdrawal. Like my brother, I left after my first year of college.

That summer, my girlfriend and I stayed with her sister in San Diego. I worked as a gopher for these secretaries for Sail America. I also worked in a pizza place for a bit before we left for her senior year of high school. She was two years younger than me, a year and eight months, technically, but no one seemed to care. Not her dad or step mom, not her younger brother, not her older brother, nor her sister. They all seemed to like me okay.

I tended to mind my manners and act normal with people I didn't know well. Even with my own family, I acted as if they weren't my own family. But that's a long story about Moses found in a reed basket, so my mom said of me. I felt like an outsider in my own family.

But that was thirty years ago, we hardly talk any longer, especially since my dad died.

Funny how, when you're the scapegoat, you stay clear of people and never feel safe with anyone who treated you badly as a child.

At some point, I just want to own a motorbike and ride solo wherever I feel like. I lost so much living with people who didn't care at all.

It's like longing to be discovered, it never happens unless I make it happen for myself.

My marriage felt like I was discovered, like I was a special someone until I wasn't anymore and I made a shambles of the whole thing.

But it takes two to tango, so they say. We both hurt each other and the consequences were without remedy. Love spoils at the altar.

This is not to say I'm against marriage...

...but separation and divorce are no walk in the park. For this, I go running. My parents lasted nearly fifty years before dad died.

No one can bring back the deceased for the living and no one knows what happens for certain after we die. Is there an Afterlife?

Today, I live with a woman who loves me warts and all. I learned about unconditional positive regard studying massage therapy.

Whether I ever get married again... "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

My girlfriend said this phrase to me long ago and it stuck inside the proverbial hamster wheel spinning inside my head. Strange how I tend to go with the flow and not care until someone slaps me in the face to wake up.

I probably won't spill the beans on my starter marriage because it won't do anyone much good to hear or read about such practices.

I just know I tried much too late to make it work. I take responsibility for that. That was on me. It is part of my own karma. My own accountability in this lifetime. Peace out.