Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Bloodbath ~ Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Justice is two in the back of the head,
under the Second Amendment, believe,
shoot the guilty and the righteous alike,
time is not on our side, we've made our bed,
if we wait for revolution, we may
cancel our plans to seek truth, to achieve
equality from slaveholders, crimes spike

impunity in government, pardon
slaveholders, our Founding Fathers, to say

that privilege and entitlement won't last,
won't succeed for generations, won't break
our backs carrying bags of cotton, past

involvement in keeping down, for our sake,
noble ideas and principles, garden

the imagination, the Eden tree,
heaven and hell, First Amendment, free speech,
even if we believe in the handgun,

believe in violence, a killing spree,
arguably justified by the law,
created to defend these rights, to preach
killing for killing sake, under the sun

of light and dark shadows, murder is good
for business, private equity firms saw

that our work made money one hundredfold,
how we got rid of sycophants, cronies,
endless lines of politicians, our bold

hubris against false gods, against phonies,
egalitarians, humanists stood
a chance, we destroyed their environment,
does justice need violence, heaven sent?

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