Sunday, December 6, 2020

Burning Down the Forests ~ Sunday, December 6, 2020

My way and journey is not yours,
your way and journey is not mine.

Way-seeking mind seeks out no faults,
admonishing opens no doors,
yesterday, I awoke to find

answers to resolve without fine,
no punishment so great that halts
discipline through admonition.

Just as my mind is not your mind,
only in this way can I seek
understanding as my one goal,
resolve to watch the path the creek
negotiates in its own role,
ensures the starter's ignition
yes, fires up fires within the soul,

ignite the fires within to burn
shelter after shelter to dust,

nothing can make damaged minds whole,
only the journey and the way,
to find fault, the child cannot learn,

yet, mistakes must be seen, we must
observe the mind within a field,
understand to grow whole we pay
restitution for mistakes, yield
solemnly before sweeping floors.

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