Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Deep Blue Arc ~ Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Left alone with the stars, the crimson moon
awaits the wolf to howl in the forest.

Ultima Thule beckons on this last day,
last because the sunrise is not immune
to skepticism, scientific doubt,
in the deep blue sky, the stars never rest,
millennia burst forth never to say
an unkind word to birds not in the know.

Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, stout
until laparoscopic surgery
relieved the polar lights need to delight
orbital satellites in perjury
recognizant of behavior, despite
a giant wolf ready to slay her glow.

~ ~ ~ 

Inspired by:

La luna / The Moon (ll. 41-44)

by Jorge Luis Borges

Translated by Alan S. Trueblood

In a certain ironclad wood is said to dwell
a giant wolf whose fate will be to slay
the moon, once he has knocked it from the sky
in the red dawning of the final day. ("La última aurora")

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