Tuesday, December 8, 2020

For Whom to Forgive, to Forget the Past ~ Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Maggot Picker did not want to get out of bed today
as he expected rain or cold or snow or clouds or mist,
given the inclement weather, he preferred to stay home,
guaranteed to get nothing done, for with nothing to do,
only suck on nine-volt batteries his brother left him
to test with his tongue straight from the package for shock value...

Perhaps he would review his life with his parents, his dad
in a tin box, his mom always holding a sharp cleaver,
clever little young man who steals watches his mother hold
kisses back to threaten to cut his hand off at the wrist,
even tears streaming down does not stop her getting her kicks,
reason allows parents to discipline behind closed doors.

Runaway little man, your pugilist father will strike
under no conditions except drunken in the 80s,
not to be held accountable for harm done to his son,
not to forget karma is a concept used to control
entire nations with stinking breath from his older brother,
reeling from his childhood, Maggot Picker stayed home today.

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