Stuck in a dream sequence without resolution, neither shock nor terror
Trapped in situations without resolution, no hope for the future
Underneath the facade without resolution to problems within sleep
Comatose in this life without resolution to problems of this world
Killed by an avalanche without resolution, I survived by God's grace
In this world, I appear on a hospital bed, I cannot see myself
No one can help but God, but God doesn't exist, at least, that's what she said
A sister kneels by me, no relation, a nun, prays beside my bedside
Despite my condition, I imagine all this, a nun down on her knees
Remember, I'm in bed, on a hospital bed, after an avalanche
Each minute, the blanket of snow covers my corpse, it lets me live longer
Ask me why I was there on the mountain covered in a blanket of snow
My dream to climb the Alps, to climb Mt. Everest and Kilimanjaro
"Suck my cock you dumb bitch!" She just prays on her knees for a damn miracle
Everyone has problems. Look at me here in bed. I was a millionaire
Question my sympathy, my lack of compassion, I just want to eat steak
Until you sleep in bed, not awake and not dead, for more than one long year
Even my state of mind remembers what it's like to be alive and well
Nothing better than me face down after a night of drinking in some pie
Call me a so-and-so, whatever you call me reflects your own complex
Except kindness kills me, I see people being nice to homeless people
Wonders never cease, no but I find charity and generosity
In equal parts, wicked to the struggle to strive, it kicks me in the balls
To say we help homeless people with a handout, when they ask for spare change
Hold it! Hold it right there, I might be stuck in bed with these horrible dreams
Obviously, I'm fucked. If I could clean my ass I'd be okay, but no
Until you're stuck in bed for over seven years, you won't see my problem
To say the homeless guy doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell, doesn't know
Real struggle is to live life to the fullest, no? The homeless guy is fucked
Even with everything taken care of for him, he does nothing worthwhile
Solving problems, seeking resolutions, helps me help others to survive
Only they don't survive if they don't do their part in helping themselves live
Life is full of struggle, some accept the challenge, some let others decide
Until you climb the Alps and see the sheer beauty in the struggle to climb
To say you accept life with all of its struggles, you just don't have a clue
If you slave at a job to make a decent wage and one day they cut you
Of course, you will bounce back but maybe with less hope, with less understanding
Nothing is for certain, every corner is blind, deals made behind closed doors
Never take the future for granted, this moment drifts back into the sea
Even in a coma, I dream about the past but still I can't wake up
I was born ambitious but now I am nothing but a body in bed
To imagine my past as a financier or a mountain climber
However difficult the challenge presented, I grasped it with both horns
Every dilemma comes with conditions no one would seek unless forced to
Reason is beyond me as my capacity to think is diminished
Shock, cardiac arrest, my body understood under a shelf of snow
How profound the weight, no? I lost consciousness, slept the stuff dreams are made of
Ordinary people under such conditions don't survive easily
Call me a lucky duck except for the fact that I'm still in a coma
Kiss me goodnight, eight years, this nun, I'm like her son, the son she never had
Nothing makes sense in dreams, the real world disappears when you're out like a light
Of course, muscle mass shrinks, my body atrophies like an MS patient
Recovery becomes a game of waking up, of lifting my eyelids
Terror to pull the plug, am I a vegetable as my grown children say
Even my wife gave up after nine years, divorce, all I have is this nun
Recently, I've started to speak but not as a reply, I'd say the damnedest things
Really, this nun just prays and weeps beside my bed every day for an hour
Of course, I learned all this after eleven years, I finally woke up
Real consciousness seems strange after so many years being stuck in a dream
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