Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Heliocentric Buddha ~ Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Experience, whether of body or mind, is but another argument

Xerox the tradition in the wake of wisdom to find flaws in reason

Point out to followers that the words of wisdom are curated nonsense

Expect slaps on the back, no, but across the face, perhaps or perhaps not

Reason creates structures for narrative fiction to bolster arguments

Indeed, what better way to change the world than lie about what you may know

Even if he did know as he was purported to attain clarity

No one else who follows in his footsteps attained the same without question

Conditions of knowledge are that they can be known as universal truths

Exceptions to the rule occur over eons, no one knows the whole truth

Witness testimony still cannot convey truth, knowledge as understood

Humans believe to have faith, for faith leads to great hope in possibility

Even belief without reason can guide people to achieve great success

Trouble is ... faith has no foundation to succeed in itself for people

Humans create mind games with language as a tool to overcome blindness

Even if said blindness is metaphorical as the future is dark

Reason allows fiction to build other planets of imagination

Order the universe as you choose for the stars become constellations

For then constellations guide our navigation in darkness through the world

Body is all we know, all else is accident, thoughts arise from thin air

Our conceptions structure and shape experience, the flashing of neurons

Despite our thoughts being prevalent in our lives, all we know is body

Yet we harm our bodies as if nothing matters but ethereal mind

Organize the structures of our understanding as if mind were linchpin

Reason forms chariots from imagination, the function of matter

Mind is not clay to shape but a vessel given by our uncertainty

In order to accept our inability to foretell the future

Nothing but language games and blockages of thought that hamper our actions

Despite the privilege words offer their creator, mind can't overcome mind

In the same way, body cannot transform itself without playing mind games

Still, for body to know clarity, purity is the path it must walk

Body and mind exist in tandem like a bike, one in front, one behind

Understanding reshapes words into language games that affect the body

To ride this bicycle, one must know which comes first, though time is relative

Asinine followers never question structures, they accept with blind faith

No one argues the truth, only their opinion based on their narrative

Obedience to law is not the law itself but a lack of respect

To never recognize the arbitrary facts of significations

How arbitrary signs may alter the meaning and cause repercussions

Even double meanings create consequences with the words right and left

Right is always simply right and thus good and true but left is sinister

Arguments re-create the world as a fiction, as make-believe, as faith

Reason acts as a sword to cut through the darkness within a polemic

Guile in faith persuades us to believe in fiction, in what we cannot know

Understanding resorts to accepting structures of mind games as given

Master reality to know the body is in itself without guile

Ever since time began, humans mark our presence as highest in value

Not seeing the falsehood of Ptolemaic thought in our own condition

To see the universe as Copernicus did, we drive the chariot

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