Monday, October 25, 2021

Twisted Nerve ~ Monday, October 25, 2021

This is why my family hates me. I'm cold hearted, a right bastard, as the Brits say.

When I see a person in need, I imagine what someone else would do to help.

I can't imagine what the other person feels. I sympathize but I lack empathy.

Sympathy is patronizing, like handing a couple of bucks to a homeless person.

To effect change takes concerted effort. I may be too disconcerted to care enough.

Even if I could turn back time to figure out what went wrong in my head or heart...

Different people respond differently to circumstances requiring a level of patience.

Not that I could rewire my brain or rewrite my childhood so I could be a good person.

Everyone is different but my family took offense I wasn't more like they were.

Really, I'm not such a bad guy, just eccentric in my detachment from others.

Veritably, I had to move away to not play the scapegoat, a role well-suited to pity.

Even if I could make amends, it's not entirely my fault my character lacks care.

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