Monday, February 28, 2022

Open Book ~ Monday, February 28, 2022

With eyes
the back of my

eyes that can see
sensed but only heard

if you

this oddity don't ask me
how I became a mutant
even if you

believe I belong in
a freakshow
categorically not
kiss my ass

objectively speaking, I have
four eyes without glasses

maybe you imagine, in a perfect world

heads would only need two
eyes not four, so be it, you see, I have
a condition unlike any other, as I can see
deep into people's eyes, I read their souls

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Vitreous Cathexis: „Libidobesetzung” ~ Saturday, February 26, 2022

Vitreous sortie, Operation: GLASS
incisive shards broken shrewdly attack
tremulous scouts observe subversive turns
reconnoiter nocturnal lantern cross
evidence: incendiary grenades
orbital satellite visuals lack
uxorious counterparts butter churns
salacious milksop, sweet platoon poltroon

Cathexis, concentration fixes spades
aspirations tumultuous flummox
trigger-happy agent provocateur
holding pattern position said lummox
exit stage right unsure reasons endure
xystus monks rake pebbles, finger points moon
insolent, intolerant color tones
stretch white-hot incandescent xyster bones

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Perverted by Struggle ~ Thursday, February 24, 2022

If we didn't live on opposite sides
from the east-west divide, we could be friends

we could have been lovers but your brother
ended the life of my younger cousin

divorce as metaphor was the spirit
informing our choices with whom to speak!
division into groups set us apart
not that anyone cares of heritage
today they fight over ethnicity

liberty becomes the freedom to smoke
indoors, outdoors, waiting for a skirmish
visions of history, so full of lies
every event twisted from agendas

on the eastern border, we kill our own
not while they sleep but as they try to flee

originally, we were all one tribe
partaking of dancing, songs, drinks and meals
particularly, the breaking of bread
obscenities never flew from our mouths
simply understanding the way things are
in this world of weapons and religions
tensions build with the heat, the dry season
ending always with rain cleansing the leaves

symbolically, once divided, we fall
into belief systems, mores, values
differences that made no difference
eventually, we will all die too soon
stress and anguish will kill us before war

Monday, February 21, 2022

French Film ~ Monday, February 21, 2022

Blurred lurid red, dire rule, allure unread
limpid dimple facial treatment, affects
accept appearances, peccadillos
clear, transparent rapeseed, nosebleed, well-bred
knead dreams dank Dane smeared lurid mustard gold

Baffle buffer orange roughy detects
obscure rescue mission armadillos
Xenurus, sans queue, run Nexus Plexus

Oracular bones, river-washed stones sold
radical sibyls, sine peccatis
aspirants vacant cavernous fledglings
calumnies unspoken climbs clematis
level naked bespoke chitons pledging
eternal tears, vitreous cathexis

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Correspondence ~ Saturday, February 19, 2022

Dear Mom,

      It seems I could do nothing right
exactly because I sought perfection
and could not laugh at myself to save me
reasonable amounts of time from tears

Mom, why was I born a sensitive child
other children laugh and play at leisure
making sand castles at the beach, the waves

Issued a statement of caution, warning
the townsfolk not to fear sharks for the sea

Sucked under, the waves crash during riptide
endlessly waiting for bubbles to rise
endlessly paddling against the current
muscles become fatigued with exhaustion
swimming becomes a battle for the soul

I was smart but not nearly smart enough

Crabs walk sideways to avoid a conflict
obstacles became sources of despair
until I understood my dark nature
light was too brilliant, too dazzling to bear
darkness became my refuge from the world

Despite letting go of harmful ideas
objective goals were lost in the clutter

Needless to say, I grew up and grew old
objects of value meant nothing to me
time as a concept I sought to conceive
however, I made some mistakes I know
in a strange way both help and hinder me
not in achieving my goals but wanting
goals like other people, as adults strive

Rushing headfirst into rivers to swim
in the hopes of getting across to shore
give me a crash course in success, I fail
humanity at every step, my soul
tastes the emptiness of this world and cries

The Shroud of Putin ~ Saturday, February 19, 2022

A dissimulation is not a lie per se but pretense, concealment

dissimulation is not unlike a cool bluff in a game of poker

instead, the stakes are high, World War III in Ukraine, forget the Crimea

success requires deceit, honest hypocrisy, misrepresentation

simulation this is or is not deception, what's the best policy

imitation models strength in military for falsification

muscle betrays the mouse of etymology, tanks track the long outskirts

ugly, underhanded practices undermine confidence in the West

let us manage ourselves, one Slav to another, to see who will prevail

attrition is a war prolonged to make frottage gratifying as art

test the will of Putin, head of the FSB, ambitions beyond sense

in charge as President, or as Prime Minister, his ego knows no bounds

official subterfuge unlike a game of chess, he plays all against one

no more diplomacy to keep him from his goal, who'll put up resistance

Faultless Mendicant ~ Saturday, February 19, 2022

I'm sorry to take up your time
maybe I'm not worth a moment

sitting here on this street corner
only I don't want your money
rest assured, I don't need spare change
really, I'm not here for fast cash
yet, I am apologetic

to defend my crass behavior
on the cross, the messiah died

trouble comes in threes, a shoe drops
another shoe falls, the two thieves
kick a stone at idealism
empirical evidence proves

until we can know what we now
posit as true and not fiction

yes, I affirm what is unknown
oblige me but a moment more
ugly, little troll that I am
restlessly intellectual

temporal reality begs
insensitively, the question
mark my words, the truth is fiction
empires rise and fall, still I sit

Friday, February 18, 2022

Indeterminacy ~ Friday, February 18, 2022

I knew this day would one day come

knowledge of this sort is certain
not specific to time and date
even location and reason
why are vague until the moment

that you are no longer present
however undesirable
in this way, a departed soul
slips through this world and goes nowhere

diabolical attributes
assign a place, another world
yet, all this is speculation

wound tight round my little finger
obviously, you were closest
unworthy as I was of love
light from your eyes penetrated
darkness deep within my stone heart

on this day, you passed away where
nowhere visible, not this world
each day you slip further away

delight in giving you my love
after many years of hardship
you allowed me to melt the stone

come now, come back to me my love
only you cannot bridge the gap
my heart broken cannot reform
exit this moment, time is lost

Das Vlies ~ Friday, February 18, 2022

How the snow won
over winter
won over spring

then took over
humid summer
even the fall

snow fell all day
now dawn to dusk
obverse / reverse
winter lost sense

winter lasted
over twelve months
no more the sun

over the weeks
vision faltered
ever weaker
repeating loss

winter beguiled
injured ankles
thrown-out backs, bent
ever further
reaching forward

wonder why spring
of all seasons
nervously grew

over nonsense
virtue sprouts green
revoking snow

spring pushed back
pulsed with fervor
resolved to strive
into summer
not letting snow
grow blinding white

Indigenous Landscapes ~ Friday, February 18, 2022

Consider the earthworm
as I run past on streets
no longer considered

Indigenous landscapes

pitter-patter of feet
in the rain each footstep
clutches after firm ground
kick a branch and stumble

under darkness and cold
pitter-patter of feet

wonder why stars shimmer
heavenly stellar light
arcs space-time in straight lines
trajectory unknown

in my two hands, I hold
significance long past

not that I can show you
only tears I have lost

losing is integral
objets d'art obtain worth
no longer valuable
given the market price
erratic rise and fall
recently here, now gone

here is no longer here
eternally missing
recently here, now gone
edge of the universe

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Speed of Light ~ February, 17, 2022

Feelings fade, the last image remains strong
emerging as phantom in dreams, terror
exactly as I felt that fateful day
leaping out of bed as if late for work
in a jolt of terror to bear witness
nothing but this image remains, my fears
gain strength in dreams working out my problems
sleeping within strong memories, a ghost

finds her way to attend and I wake up
asking myself why do the feelings fade
diminish over time, a month or two
endless fights meaningless in twenty years

truth is a twisted bar of gold, deformed
however it remains as valuable
exactly as it is once melted down

lingering within memory is loss
as time pushes forward, the strong image
steals value from other happier times
transmits certain values of the present

images of the past are meant to fade
muddled with lost feelings, sorrow in loss
aspects of this process gain momentum
gain strength to overcome all suffering
even when the sorrow is bittersweet

restlessly re-engaged with memories
enticing the sick muse to remember
memories that make me smile at my loss
arguments fade as balloons of time burst
insert an impression, never fading
never diminishing, vengeance is mine
sickness guides the sick muse to overcome

sickness for strength, to remember the good
the happiness lost with departed souls
remember joyful moments together
ordinary people get in the way
normalize abnormal events in grief
grief is where joy is not, but truth is found

Tribulation ~ Thursday, February 17, 2022

Distress stretches apart the neurons in my brain transmitting impulses

in the right frame of mind, I brace myself to face my apprehensiveness

sinews flex as tendons attach muscle to bone, cords of fibrous tissue

terror causes sorrow, anxiety, pain...saps my strength like an illness

reduces and erodes vim and vigor, horse piss I smell as I run past

energy requires miles, endurance, grit, resolve and determination

stride forward, side to side, in reverse but always one step before the next

struggle with past trauma, bullying and teasing, abuse and violence

Resist the urge to fight back against oppressors, they act out of distress

engage in sympathy, understanding the self in relation to pain

subjects once subjected to inviolable rules once violated

inform the world of grief, agony, turbulence...get a gat in the face

suffer the little birds with no future, no hope, no opportunities

turn the wheel of dharma, its spokes spin round the hub, holding the rim in place

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Poseurs ~ Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Without his World Famous Purple Penis
indeed who was Shamu the Whale Ashram
to say Zamir was our Guitar Hero
helps our cause not a bit, amateur punks
on the West Coast, dark clothes in the sunshine
understand, we rebels in paradise
tweakin' the system makin' adjustments

handsome demons or teenage delinquents
in a word we weren't handsome in the least
still, we stole many hearts with our racket

While Green Day got their lucky break, charms smirked
orbits spun, leprechauns guarded their gold
radio UCI, KSPC
laughed listening to our demo, we sucked
difficult to say thirty years later

Fame was not the game but making music
although we lacked originality
monkeys mimicking the muse of our dreams
our hopes dashed, don't quit your day job, we split
under duress, no hard feelings, move on
sugar is sweet but sorrow drowns in beer

Punks but not punk enough, poseurs in punk
ugly sea gulls, first mods, then punks, then gone
rip it up, start again, try again, fail
principessa, for better or for worse
liquid dreams, ridiculed for a band name
elastic steeples people a pink hearse

Punk died in 1977
everyone who came after overcame
needless suffering, the 80s famine
in Ethiopia, the AIDS crisis,
sinister so-called punk revival bands

Monday, February 14, 2022

Mortar ~ Monday, February 14, 2022

Everything continuously changes
versions of the same thing occur in time
exactly as in a series of acts
related to each other without sense
yet meaning underlies understanding
to the extent that randomness remains
however possible, unseen, unheard
in the collective consciousness, as sense
not only undermines arbitrary
givens as nonsense, but out of sequence

collections of ideas, such as numbers
or, even more strongly, the alphabet
not to derange the sense attributed
to systems set in place, institutions
in practice, criminal justice and law,
notions of discontinuous series
undermine the fabric society
organizes meaningful connections
under a banner we call our nation
structures no one notices like mortar
liberally applied between two bricks
yet, only what's necessary remains

creative disorder or destruction
however puerile in concept, allows
architecture to dismantle, explode
not simply to remove the old buildings
guarantees on safety, stability
exchange one structure for yet another
simply to shift the undesirable

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Collected Songs Where Every Verse Is Filled with Grief ~ Sunday, February 13, 2022

Catastrophe: hindsight being twenty-twenty, I look back, remember

observe my decisions lacking wisdom, insight, profound intelligence

literally, not sharp, why even be alive, angry, stupid and dull

languish in poetry, sadly unviable, who follows a loser

experience failure after failure, success always being others

crushed being overlooked, maybe not Black enough, maybe not white enough

transcend my otherness even to South Asians, even other Goans

exactly why I breathe, why I struggle to strive, why I run to survive

depression since high school, blamed on drugs by my mom, not alcoholism

Sesame Street: Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong, sing of good things...

older becomes wiser from past mistakes never to encounter again

never learned to sing well, never learned to play drums properly, continue

getting sidetracked, stumble over obstacles, one continuous mistake

sorrow and suffering, such is life, look away, always ever-present

Where to go from here, now, my heart broken from loss, ghosts of departed souls

harm, seriously not funny except others laugh at my expense, own

every experience as a sensitive child, wish I were otherwise

restless, inquisitive, intelligent, profound, yet treated as the same

exactly, otherwise than being like others, no one saw a difference

Everyone deluded by alcoholism in my family, my dad

very much enjoyed drink and unresolved anger, what was the real problem

everyone disagrees what happened in the past, denial is strong, a force

reason within logic, within philosophy became my way to heal

yesterday, I woke up and realized I was fifty-two years old, now

Veritably, a life ruined by bullying and alcoholism

except, my addiction was not to alcohol but hallucinogens

really impossible to be physically hooked to hallucinogens

struggle from my escape from my fucked-up family, clinical depression

everything is karma, consequences of past mistakes, actions gone wrong

Is this a worthwhile life, a close friend killed herself, saving me to struggle

switch off the light to sleep, perchance to dream, to die before a real success

Fill the water pitcher day after day, that is success, ordinary

ignorant of the truth, my one goal in this life, non-objective values

lift the veil of my bride, divorced six years later, cold feet the rest of life

lift others up, I strive to succeed in running, to lift others' spirits

endlessly seeking truth above other values, it's what makes me different

differences separate people without respect, without understanding

witness a death, my cat, a tortoiseshell, old soul, accept mortality

insist on acceptance, love and understanding, peace is the highest goal

transcend conflict as greed, anger and ignorance, the three poisons of truth

honesty seeks to clear a path beyond failure, beyond success, beyond

Grief and trauma, the pain and sorrow of heartbreak, nothing lasts forever

respite is no refuge, but momentary rest, suffering strikes at night

in daylight, anytime I set aside to breathe, I don't look, the tears come

ever since I was young, others laughed at my tears, to them, I felt too much

forget my own family, forgive to move ahead, forgive to heal myself

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Trawlers of the Night Sky ~ Saturday, February 12, 2022

Integral calculus connects the dots
not the ghosts of departed quantities
turning in the widening gyre, a swarm
round the barred spiral galaxy, the nets
emerge to hold back the spider, her web
pitted in position, her prodigies
imagine the universe to affirm
differential calculus within change

Swarms of ghosts await their turn as a mob
poised to overthrow dark hype energy
institutions, systems of government
demonstrate their capacity to charge
excitedly into swarms, lethargy
remiss in stopping guards of the undreamt

Friday, February 11, 2022

Contact ~ Friday, February 11, 2022

Discovery makes known hidden secrets
indigenous Native Americans
slept soundly until ships arrived on shore
Christian soldiers set sail by stars sleepless
ordered into constellations by Greeks
visions of victory, hilts in their hands
Europeans hell-bent on tall church spires
restless wandering news correspondents

Voices long past effaced, unheard now speak
order, reason, systems set into place
inhibit inhabitants of habits
created to enjoy with song and dance
eternal tenets of tectonic plates
shifting fighting until the storm abates

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Intrepid Spider ~ Thursday, February 10, 2022

Intricate yet simple,
      stretching tensile forces,
            creating a structure

                  Novel necessity,
                        open angular lines
                  fearlessly crossing planes

                  Trepidation happens
                        but our protagonist
                  lacks all apprehension

            Relaxed, noiseless, patient
      attentive to moments
prey captured in her web

Exquisite craftsmanship
      not too slack, nor too taut
            with one primary goal

                  Pretend the very small
                        creatures within this world
                  make the only difference

                  Imagine our own lives
                        make next to no difference
                  compared to this spider

            Defenseless against fear
      humans can't understand
what goes on in her mind

Spiders harm helplessly
      intention: mere defense
            respond to perceptions

                  Perceived threat, suspicion
                        rationale inherent
                  survival the utmost

            Intrinsic reckoning
      hardwired before reason
cognitive dissonance

Deliberate actions
      nothing ever wasted
            supreme executives

                  Egoless architects
                        solitary workers
                  hell-bent on perfection

            Recreation: a web
      made over and over
perfect concentration

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Gone ~ Tuesday, February 8, 2022

I do not understand how it happened or why but one moment I was

dismally overwhelmed on the throne by a bout of irritable bowels
ordinarily, talk of such matters is speech nobody wants to hear

nobody wants to know or cares to imagine what happens on the loo
obviously, this is a private matter, no? We keep it to ourselves
transparency in speech, of the utmost concern, in our daily affairs

under these conditions, I suffered in silence, for years, nay, for decades
needlessly harboring resentment for my pains in the lavatory
difficulties make men strong in their characters, to whine is not manly
exceptions to the rule exist to disregard arbitrary customs
remarkably, to speak to my family of pain was a cause for laughter
sinister, to be born under the influence of a whiskey bottle
tragic how traumatic experience creates for the rest of our lives
asinine perspectives without context to guide adults out of childhood
nostalgia for our youth, for good times, memories overcome by hardship
discipline makes a man hard and long-suffering with his guts tied in knots

hungry to get away, to run far, far away, I stared at the mirror
otherwise than being sick of this world, I saw my reflection, the same
weirdly but not the same, reversed in appearance, a phantom of photons

ignorance of the law excuses no one, light is particles and waves
transformed by physicists in observation rooms watching experiments

humiliation shakes a child deeply, their guts turn inside out, the core
appendix near bursting, inflamed from a blockage, get over it, my boy
personally, I know the alley where Jack feeds on the birds of night, stare
pensively, the mirror reflects like a stone wall polished inside a cave
exactly, when I thought nothing would come of this futile attempt to flee
naturally, the valve releases the pressure, I fell through the mirror
exactly as the self-same other fell as well to my reality
differences adjusted, he was light as photons, I was dense, flesh and blood

observing the photons became bewildering, everything was the same
resemblance but light moves faster than eyes can see, the mirror helped me watch

wondering how my self-same reflection had fared, I watched him turn ghostly
humans were never meant to enter other worlds serendipitously
yesterday, life was hell accepting my childhood as one without much hope

bemused by this moment, my situation changed, I was like a mountain
undergoing slow shifts in the templates below, but myself, motionless
transformed into stillness, I became the mirror reflecting mercury

otherwise than being empty of images, I lost all sense of self
nations rise and fall but mirrors remain vitrine, a reverse display case
eventually, I saw my phantom as a ghost, translucent yet unseen

missing but not noticed, no one knew I left, caught up in contemplation
objectified symbol of quotidian flux, locked in longevity
moment after moment, I wait for the phantom to become glass again
ecstatic to return to be with the living, to breathe, feel pain again
noticeably, photons are not phantoms or ghosts but particles or waves
time disappears, I wait in a realm of limbo, neither heaven nor hell

I do not understand how it happened or why but the next moment, poof

wonders never cease, light pressed back all my desire to return to our world
ancient, illusory magical properties opened the gates of hell
sandwiched between living and waiting to live, no one noticed I was gone

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Words ~ Saturday, February 5, 2022

Marginalized because I was different, not like my teachers, creative

Aspects of the Novel, a book Stolte gave me after graduation

Remember gratitude comes after a good deed, not from disappointment

Gratitude is grateful for assistance offered, accepted with success

Ignorance disregards, out of sight, out of mind, neglect grows from failure

Neglect disappoints me, guidance forgotten drowns my future in a tank

Art of Literature, another book Stolte gave me, I read both books

Literature teachers are sometimes close-minded, puritanical prudes

Intentionality is not a concept known by a fourteen year old

Zenith to my nadir, Eiswerth suspended me my second week at school

Eiswerth, I didn't know, she tried to expel me, for a sexy essay

Diagnostic essay, peppered pornography, I wrote this for Lacey

Bitter roots, freshman year, sixth and eighth grades, I wrote sentences for Lacey

Entranced by my freedom to explore in language my sexuality

Creative artistry comes out of non-judgment, judgment kills artistry

Artists struggle through life from judgmental people in positions of power

Understanding is not easy, seeking context and perspective is hard

Suffering judgmental censor as a young man came with a guillotine

Enduring in writing despite the first setback, I suffered still further

"I am a wicked man. An unattractive man. I think my liver hurts." (Pevear/Volokhonsky)

Wicked is as wicked does, the act is being, being is becoming

Aspire to write beyond earth, faith and words, the nets flung at a new-born soul

Savagery corrupts souls but I learned a lesson, they were protecting me

Daimonion, Miłosz spoke to me in a word what inspires him to write

Initiated now in corrupt practices of people in judgment

Forgo honors programs, study with the others, the downtrodden masses

Forget I was privileged until the rug was pulled right out under my feet

Ego reflects the self, seeks out identity, sameness and not difference

Reflecting on the mind, my vision upside-down and reversed, left to right

Ego inhabits souls, leaving ugly imprints, but luckily, I left

Noxious, Grendel's mother, since I was protected but by whom I knew not

Traverse the universe in search of ancestors, heaven, limbo and hell

Noxious odors, a scent, I caught a whiff, perfume, no, perhaps dragon's breath

Obstreperous, a child, at times, under duress, under extreme distress

Trauma, hopeless, helpless, I drowned in the bottle with the ship still inside

Lecherous, an old man as a bright teenager, I was trapped in my soul

Ignorance meets karma within consequences, active repercussions

Kiss the girls, make them cry, they taught us how to act, language in words were lies

Elicit illicit vocabulary words to use in sentences

Mustard gas made morons of us all, we poison our fellow man for war

Yet, this is power, control, our nationality, language and religion

"Teacher, teacher teach me love, I can't learn it fast enough, teacher, teacher" (Lowe)

Education from books taught in school, Grapes of Wrath, bored us to death of Joad

Align the mind with stars, white light streaming lightning fast, subdued by whiteness

Channel my energy into running, writing and deep concentration

Humbleness was unlearned, Southern California was all about swagger

Engage in truthfulness, in honesty, brutal towards the self, concrete

Realize the distinct possibility that truth is simply fiction

Singularity feels intensity, focus, sharpen the mind, wake up

Creativity bursts through the bottle, the rum and Coke my father drank

Religion tried to hold us in her grip, tightly, like a mother, afraid

Entertainment pictures images and ideas, people, places and things

Aspects of the novel, I could not write fiction, characters in my head

"Touch your hand to the wall at night," to sleep, fucked up, got ambushed, zipped in, dream

Inspired daimonion inspires others to write, lyrics, poems, fiction

Viscerally gutted, eviscerated guts hanging out, seppuku

End it all, end it now, cut off my head, do it, promises, promises

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Gibberish I Learned in College ~ Sunday, February 2, 2014

In fact, I can't be sure of anything.
Nothing beyond our physical worldview
Treats non-scientific, speculative
Empirical evidence as certain.
Really, none of it makes logical sense.
Perhaps, we rely too much on science.
Rest assured, certainty as objective
Exegesis of our vision as text
Takes on new meaning in terms of spirit,
As language and reason cannot fathom 
Transcendence without equivocation.
Isolating what is illogical,
Ontologically corrupt and impure,
Neatly within brackets must needs save time.

Marginalized ~ Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Maybe I should attend Howard, demand

Asian, no... South Asian equality

Rights no one in America enjoys

Genius! How we all oppress each other

In our most dysfunctional behaviors

Not getting what we want, disappointed

As life passes us by, marginalized

Liquidate the government at the top

In this manner, we can begin afresh

Zeta didn't kill us, Omicron may

Even a revolution can't salvage

Decades, nay, centuries of racism

Project MKUltra: Escargot on Acid ~ Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Expo 86, the World's Fair, I ate
seated in a makeshift French-style bistro
carrying two hits into Vancouver
acid from the mid-80s, watered down
released to roam away from my parents
granted I should have run away right there
only my brain was baked, I could not think
to get away and hide in Canada

on LSD, the metaphysical
not only becomes real, I tasted God

as a teenager trying escargot
covered in butter and garlic with bread
in that moment, I stole into heaven
despite being seventeen and a punk

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Catastrophe ~ Tuesday, February 1, 2022

If I write a short line
      followed by a still, shorter line

I lie

      wilfully distorting the truth
religion appeals to our honesty
            if I choose otherwise, who is
      to say I am spreading falsehood
even the Pope couldn't care less

an unacknowledged legislator lies

      "So What" blows old Selim Sivad
horn player to the gods
      only now nobody listens to him
recently exhumed from the grave
            to play for us one final note

listen for the gods hear utterances
      in languages and speech
                  no one bothers to learn
even native speakers are mute