Thursday, February 17, 2022

Tribulation ~ Thursday, February 17, 2022

Distress stretches apart the neurons in my brain transmitting impulses

in the right frame of mind, I brace myself to face my apprehensiveness

sinews flex as tendons attach muscle to bone, cords of fibrous tissue

terror causes sorrow, anxiety, pain...saps my strength like an illness

reduces and erodes vim and vigor, horse piss I smell as I run past

energy requires miles, endurance, grit, resolve and determination

stride forward, side to side, in reverse but always one step before the next

struggle with past trauma, bullying and teasing, abuse and violence

Resist the urge to fight back against oppressors, they act out of distress

engage in sympathy, understanding the self in relation to pain

subjects once subjected to inviolable rules once violated

inform the world of grief, agony, turbulence...get a gat in the face

suffer the little birds with no future, no hope, no opportunities

turn the wheel of dharma, its spokes spin round the hub, holding the rim in place

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