Saturday, February 19, 2022

Correspondence ~ Saturday, February 19, 2022

Dear Mom,

      It seems I could do nothing right
exactly because I sought perfection
and could not laugh at myself to save me
reasonable amounts of time from tears

Mom, why was I born a sensitive child
other children laugh and play at leisure
making sand castles at the beach, the waves

Issued a statement of caution, warning
the townsfolk not to fear sharks for the sea

Sucked under, the waves crash during riptide
endlessly waiting for bubbles to rise
endlessly paddling against the current
muscles become fatigued with exhaustion
swimming becomes a battle for the soul

I was smart but not nearly smart enough

Crabs walk sideways to avoid a conflict
obstacles became sources of despair
until I understood my dark nature
light was too brilliant, too dazzling to bear
darkness became my refuge from the world

Despite letting go of harmful ideas
objective goals were lost in the clutter

Needless to say, I grew up and grew old
objects of value meant nothing to me
time as a concept I sought to conceive
however, I made some mistakes I know
in a strange way both help and hinder me
not in achieving my goals but wanting
goals like other people, as adults strive

Rushing headfirst into rivers to swim
in the hopes of getting across to shore
give me a crash course in success, I fail
humanity at every step, my soul
tastes the emptiness of this world and cries

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