Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Shroud of Putin ~ Saturday, February 19, 2022

A dissimulation is not a lie per se but pretense, concealment

dissimulation is not unlike a cool bluff in a game of poker

instead, the stakes are high, World War III in Ukraine, forget the Crimea

success requires deceit, honest hypocrisy, misrepresentation

simulation this is or is not deception, what's the best policy

imitation models strength in military for falsification

muscle betrays the mouse of etymology, tanks track the long outskirts

ugly, underhanded practices undermine confidence in the West

let us manage ourselves, one Slav to another, to see who will prevail

attrition is a war prolonged to make frottage gratifying as art

test the will of Putin, head of the FSB, ambitions beyond sense

in charge as President, or as Prime Minister, his ego knows no bounds

official subterfuge unlike a game of chess, he plays all against one

no more diplomacy to keep him from his goal, who'll put up resistance

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