Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Fair Fair ~ Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Boys get hurt and never talk about it
ouch is not in their vocabulary
yellow as scrambled eggs, cowards speak up
suck it up and feel the pain, all the shit

goes down the drain but their reputation
everyone knows how the pain gets scary
talk about it and word on the street, yup

how word gets around quicker than wildfire
understand, tears are an aberration
real pain is relative, boys never show
trauma to a therapist or a friend

aberrations wail, their salty tears glow
no one cares for the weak, lawyers defend
defenseless victims of hate crimes, admire

nervous wrecks never, bite their nails and fret
endless bickering about the dishes
victims of hate know only their abuse
effaced from the map of history, bet
rivers of blood, sweat and tears, work makes free

transient, rough sleepers, no one wishes
anger upsets their daily commute, truce
language games, egocentric empty shells
kiss the hermit crabs goodbye, their decree

aggression wins, hoodwinked by the godless
backstabbing, vindictive power players
oligarchs in white shirts, red ties, they mess
up the apple cart, order bruised layers
triumph as the President, hear the bells

in the church belfry, the bats flee elsewhere
take their business elsewhere, heard, fair fair

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