Friday, December 6, 2024

Malbork ~ Friday, December 6, 2024

Affluence and influence set the stage
for history as a playground for fools
forget the past, suffer consequences
lightly taken, powder kegs to engage
unseen forces, ignite the spark of war
engagé, committed to reason, tools
needed as expenses to mend fences
consequences result in false outcomes
enter the world of neglect, sets the score

adjust the angle of the mirror, dark
notes of memories, silence, trauma, rape
direct the anger towards the flash, spark

ignorance for lies, appalled, mouth agape
nothing for stone cold black diamonds, all thumbs
forging clumsily ahead, maladroit
litter the oceans with senseless debris
until the clean-up crew appears
ears grounded for sonor as to exploit
natural resources and leave the rest
clutter with infrastructure underground
empty of value, walk away, garbage

serve the gods, cash money falls from the tree
ego makes for good presidents, their fears
transform domestic policy, mortgage

terror for equity, trauma is best
haunt ghosts with horror films in surround sound
epic cataclysmic disaster shows

sample the product, junkies feel no shame
transport the goods, profit from retail cost
androids await instructions, blue light glows
golden, ingots replace the ancient frame
eclipse the sun, billionaires ever lost

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