Friday, December 27, 2024

Glug, Glug, Glug ~ Friday, December 27, 2024

Worship, reverence and adoration
honesty, sweet as lies, nourishes bees
answer questions, soon arguments arise
transport deceased bodies for cremation

honesty kills apian colonies
answer what lies beyond the seven seas
please stop, observe dark clouds obscure blue skies
please tell bell tower bats to eat putrid flesh
entertain parish priests with policies
nothing but images within a hall
entertain the worthy with a basket
dread darkness, the mirror, the call to fall

worship welcomes the same in a casket
honesty lies within the Christmas crèche
entertain parishioners with a book
nothing but lies told to support the wraith

worship phantoms, images create twists
entertain false notions, the need to cook

please pound fists as gavels judge the matter
ordained as ordinary, restore faith
underground the Übermensch binds weak wrists
restore faith in the wraith, in politics
entertain politicians with chatter
dread idle chatter, sparrows burn the bush

murder apian colonies, honey
intensive identity, Hindu Kush
letters form words, believe in the money
kiss papal rings, support the crucifix

intensive inventions, mythology
nothing to confess, faith in nothingness
transport milk poured into milk to reveal
ordained objections to lithology

murder the stone surface, describe the rock
intensive vested interests, wickedness
letters litter infrastructure, conceal
kisses and more behind closed doors, the shock

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