Thursday, May 31, 2018

Freak ~ Thursday, 31 May 2018

Maybe if I were born
into a different
family where madness

As a phenomenon
was seen as positive
as a plus to culture

Yes as speculative
fiction goes this is real
but in our real world false

Belittle strange creatures
for they do not belong
among friends their troubles

End up spoiling our plans
we just want to have fun
enjoy life while we can

I on occasion wish
that I were never born
It's a Wonderful Life

Figures out that problem
there is no solution
to not getting along

If we accept the strange
that people exhibit

When such acts cause no harm
for to be plainly clear
violence changes things

Even as alcohol
warped my own father's mind
where moments of pure rage

Remain acceptable
within our family
that rage affected me

Eccentric as a child
the son of immigrants
I did not fit in well

Beaten with words and fists
by friends and family
tortured by my brother

Only my mother held
the cleaver to frighten
my wits to think clearly

Right or left hand to cut
off at the wrist a chance
she often took with tears

Nimbly rolling in streams
down my cheeks me pleading
to be a better son

To wit is their madness
something I learned a sponge
soaks up in osmosis

Ostracized by others
I became a poet
to speak truth against lies

Visage ~ Thursday, 31 May 2018

If you dislike my face
it's okay I don't mind
it was a gift from God

Do I frighten your soul
do you think you will catch
disease from just one look

I don't mind if you look
in other directions
if I enter the room

Of course if I bother
others with my presence
odd as I may appear

Time lasts but a moment
terror lasts a lifetime
trauma lasts forever

Seeing you look away
snicker behind my back
safely hidden from eyes

Sorry I won't explain
sadly why I appear
sewn-up like Frankenstein

Ignominious shame
indeed follows my days
if I speak with my heart

Gerro comes out my mouth
given my misshapen
gestures to say hello

Never give up to rise
noticeably above
names never meant to hurt

Arguably they do
as they stick unlike glue
adhesives in the mind

Left like a Post-It note
littering once clear thoughts
languishing in disgrace

Of course my life reflects
only who I become
objections waved aside

Time lasts but a moment
terror lasts a lifetime
trauma lasts forever

However I don't need
hilariously hard
hearted humans in life

Even if tears should fall
elegantly as rain
enters the atmosphere

Regard my face remains
resolutely ravaged
riddled by the disease

Science cannot deny
shudder blinds storm windows
signals my appearance

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

La Salamandre parle ~ mercredi, 30 mai 2018


Il y a des choses
ni ici ni là

comme ci comme ça
des choses
comme la salamandre 

Bienvenue à la maison
de la salamandre
Chez Georges

Qui est cet homme
qui s'appelle Georges

il est l'homme
de l'heure noire

de la minuit
à la lumière crépusculaire
jusqu'à l'aube

La salamandre tachetée
parle des choses
comme les piscines vernales

le monde éphémère

<< Tu te souviens aller et venir ici et là-bas de ville en ville hier comme c'était aujourd'hui maintenant comme dans un rêve, un liquide toxique comme le lait gâté, un miroir terni, une fenêtre pleine de nuages, et je suis plein de tristesse quand je regarde en arrière à notre jeunesse perdue---Nous sommes comme les morts comme les adultes prêt à devenir des vieillards, si je regarde en arrière je ne peux pas imaginer que la vieillesse soit meilleure que la jeunesse comme la mort approche plus vite que les quatre cavaliers de l'Apocalypse; mon dieu parle de l'esprit de la terre comme la salamandre parle, où les piscines vernales apparaissent et disparaissent selon les lois de la biosphère et seulement la lumière au crépuscule me rend aveugle comme perdu dans les ombres--- >>

Monday, May 28, 2018

☆ Kahuna ~ Monday, 28 May 2018

After my father died my beard grew white
Not overnight mind you but several years
Later as if a cloud white as sheep's wool
Descended on my face a hoary skein

The hair atop my head remains black still
Waiting for my mother to pass away
Since we no longer talk I only wait
For my hair to turn grey then I will know

When I was a young man I lived in fear
And trepidation love never entered
My heart towards parents I never knew
We were so different from each other

Still I was a product of their beliefs
But constant rebellion wore down their faith
In my heart I gave up the Church and God
Walked away and moved north to Chicago

My parents had moved back after a spell
In Memphis Tennessee back to the coast
To their home in Southern California
Then dad died my brother showed his contempt

For my lack of success unlike himself
Total fucking asshole a stockbroker
Turned financier rich beyond belief
Acts as if he made it without support

But my parents backed him like a groomed horse
They threw me to the wolves to sink or swim
Without emotional support people
Generally don't do as well as some

Like minds stick together once my father
Died the glue that bonded our family
Disintegrated years pass my remorse
Rests solely in the fact I ran away

Twice as a teenager although the law
Sides with the parents I now regret
I did not give them up before dad died
If I joined the Marines back in the day

After I turned twenty as I once tried
So many years ago but decided
Against it as my mind was frail and weak
Before I went insane all would be good

The scapegoat the black sheep in families
May not fit in so well but a shaman
A poet an artist speaks truth to lies
Money doesn't matter only the real

The force behind actions invisible
Without name or title ineffable
Neither random nor chance call it karma
Call it fate call it life as I so choose

☆ Damaged ~ Monday, 28 May 2018

Maybe my father drank
because his father died
when he was just a boy

Even so to excuse
his behavior in light
of his having become

Memory no longer
alive except in mind
of family and friends

Obliterate the past
of pointless arguments
and meaningless anger

Remember the living
only create values
if a legacy born

In sweat of hard labor
not within a prison
but beyond such confines

After much thought I see
my father did not know
how to be a good dad

Little do I describe
my father than myself
for my dad did his job

Dutifully he beat
into me his lessons
of blind rage and hatred

Anger born of absurd
circumstances follow
me the rest of my days

Yellow in cowardice
I live in fear of life
to die would be easy

Diminished hopes succeed
where pessimism fails
still the future survives

Ask me in twenty years
what I planned to retire
and I will say I wrote

Daily or near every
day or night to remove
this stain within my soul

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Confidence ~ Thursday, 24 May 2018

If we meet in person
only for a moment
in passing by mistake

Fortune falls like sunshine
across your face a smile
for a second then gone

Wishful thinking we meet
again by chance what luck
during a thunderstorm

Eyeing my umbrella
large enough to hide two
quietly from the rain

Maybe you ran away
to keep from getting soaked
rushing inside a store

Even a cup of joe
on Jackson Boulevard
could not warm my shy heart

Ever the silent type
I hide within my voice
most people cannot hear

Though the instance our eyes
met I offered the use
of my huge umbrella

But within the silence
I seem like a deaf-mute
who cannot even speak

As others do with hands
in lightning-fast gestures
impossible to read

Never having been taught
sign language in high school
I spoke real words softly

After seeing your face
once again in passing
only for a moment

Nothing but my own voice
could keep me from asking
who you are what's your name

And so I did in fear
and trepidation stop
you in your fast-step tracks

Slipping on the tossed skin
of a banana made
you laugh with a big smile

Kissed the concrete pavement
right on my rump my ass
hurt with my ego bruised

Instead you reached your hand
out to help me stand up
I quietly thanked you

Nothing ever transpired
to make you fall in love
with a complete stranger

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Stammer ~ Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Let me let me let me
go let me go and not
forget and not forget

And not forget the name
the name the name the tip
of my tongue of my tongue

It burns it burns it burns
a hole into my brain
into my brain a hole

Small enough for a mouse
a mouse a mouse to fit
inside inside my brain

Small enough for a train
a train a train to pass
through pass through a tunnel

Emerge emerge emerge
out of a hole a hole
a hole like a baby

Zip to close to open
to close to unravel
to ravel means the same

Nothing nothing nothing
ever changes ever
changes without a push

Of course of course of course
a horse is not a mouse
a mouse a mouse inside

Upside outside downward
slide across the rainbow
rainbow rainbow the pot

Small enough for a man
a man a man to sit
beside a pot of gold

Of course of course of course
this horse is not a man
who is a leprechaun

Upside down like a bat
a bat a bat hanging
from a branch on a tree

Better better better
never to remember
than to forget the past

Let me let me let me
never forget never forget
never forget the name

It burns it burns it burns
a hole into my brain
into my brain a hole

Emergent emergent
emergent memories
erupt the volcano

Release release release
the bat the horse the mouse
the man within my brain

Monday, May 21, 2018

Mirror ~ Monday, 21 May 2018

The opinions others express amount to naught changing like the weather. What they express through words, body language reflect how they view their own minds. Ask me why opinions of praise or blame, raise, shame or ridicule others. The need to express power as strong as the ego grows greatest while fires burn. Sickness within the heart, invisible until she expresses her mind. Simple as expected in well-formed opinions about nothing but mind. Priceless as MasterCard our society sick with surplus opinions. Yet only time reveals sentiments criminal as misguided as wealth. Stealth secretly reflects outwardly without sense out of fear and terror. Articles of faith ask us to accept, conform, appear like the others. Thus we harm to gain strength, help to gain influence, praise to gain affluence. Yet nothing ever works when humans seek to hurt, to destroy life and love. Remaining true to self and others sounds insane, since only peace calms the heart. Simple as faith in truth, hope works towards a love of others and the self.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Discourse ~ Thursday, 17 May 2018

no longer no longer
no longer no longer
can I sit by and watch

on the television
the news as it appears
just the same everyday

lions consume children
in front of their parents
live at the local zoo

only it gets to be
too much to sit and watch
to do nothing but clutch

nervously at your heart
as if the world were cast
on black and white film stock

given technology
and some idiot called
Spielberg paints a red coat

elegant with panache
onto a little girl
about to die so young

resting among others
a pile of dead bodies
I don't know what to say

no I can do nothing
but cry for hours on end
without even a clue

only that a movie
in its approach to make
fiction out of the real

life as we understand
it in all its beauty
at times comes as a shock

over a movie screen
as we choose to convey
the story of a goat

no this is not quite right
we interpret the news
how they choose with their tongue

gagging as it sometimes
does on the truth made false
made into a story

even narrative seeks
to speak in a language
where fiction is not lies

reason cannot discuss
the events of the day
since violence can feel

nothing as the tears slide
down my face when I watch
in horror the gory

obscene details of death
made real by our harsh world
the news tells us who dies

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Utopia ~ Sunday, 13 May 2018

Try to get out now I changed all the locks
Rusted as they were straight through to the bolt
Yellow pigment shows inside every door

Try to get out now if you can the rocks
On the cliffs demand your full attention

Gather all your strength to climb down to shore
Even if you can swim the sky will pelt
The skin off your thin body with strong hail

Only if you would listen when I mention
Under no pretense is my love a lie
To kidnap you dear and bring you out here

No place better set to hide while I die
Only if you choose to leave out of fear
We may both die use the boat to set sail

Friday, May 11, 2018

Bon Voyage ~ Friday, 11 May 2018

Salutations my dear reader
As you see I pay my respects
Living as you may be
Under lock and key a cedar

Triptych creates a common box
Articles of faith which inspects
Rational hearts that cannot see
Everlasting life in the sun

Under rocks hides a fox
Lazy dogs can only dream
To catch to chase after a tale

Read to entertain a theme
Ancient in wisdom sets sail
Ships dock along spice routes hard-won

Friday, May 4, 2018

Exclūdere ~ Friday, 4 May 2018

We pass by each other
the disconnect clearly
apparent on your face

But since you cannot see
your own body language
your unconscious gestures

Like when I roll my eyes
with contempt at my boss
who requires an answer

As to whether a fool
knows when to act foolish
or by definition

Is too foolish to know
whether he acts foolish
on purpose or by chance

So when you walk right past
directing your eyesight
elsewhere as to detect

My presence obliquely
with your peripheral
vision while looking up

Over the crowd the stage
full of youthful dancers
who gain your attention

Than this insult to youth
this laughable old man
rigid uncool and strict

The fact remains we work
in the music venue
as co-workers not friends

Any expectation
on my part to find friends
at work is ill-advised

Like friends at school we learn
in the classroom ideas
about writing and art

But rarely take the time
to build the connections
to make a solid bond

I become cynical
as a dog in daylight
with a lamp for others

Burning so they can see
how foolish this old fool
has become or appears

Is it all just an act
so others won't dislike
a person like myself

An overactive mind
in a sterile body
more a priest than a saint

This body I accept
as others must accept
their own bodies accept

Without criticism
or complaint at the gift
as things could be much worse

But must I sublimate
my libido as mind
thinks perpetual thought

Even while I sleep thoughts
flow through my brain hidden
away like a machine

After father died luck
slipped from my grasp my love
became cold and sterile

Never a warm-hearted
big friendly chap my blood
ran cold as a river

Stream high in the mountains
too cold to take a bath
but to wash off the dirt

Became necessary
like brushing and flossing
my teeth when my breath stinks

Is this the importance
of wisdom perspective
puts things into context

Keeps me from going mad
again at twenty-one
all my friends moved away

No one to spend time with
as we become adults
the rules change bonds don't form

Easily for a fool
like myself who can't trust
himself to trust others

After father died love
of family meant nothing
as mother and brother

Showed how little they care
for an artist who fails
to succeed at his art

After five years I shut
the door and turned the keys
in their locks then broke them

Goodbye to those who show
love only on their terms
I don't care if I starve

To death though I'd prefer
not to die from hunger
I know now not to ask

For money for myself
or my girlfriend with dreams
of travel a better

Life than with an artist
poor stupid doesn't play
well with others a fool

My family taught me how
to love others with strings
attached like a puppet

I taught myself to cut
the puppet master's strings
to unlearn what I learned

To love no matter what
but choose your victims well

Ordinary people
don't understand poets
or artists as persons

Who cannot help but see
or feel with profound depth

An intellectual
rubs people the wrong way
cannot apologize

Without appearing false
in conduct as she knows
better to make mistakes

Less likely or often
but that is not the case
rarely ever is true

Humans unless homeless
have a chance to redeem
themselves from past mistakes

Of course a polemic
in verse thrown in for fun
doesn't prove with logic

The merit of statements
that may offend tender
hearts with the ears of lambs

I cannot say my heart
sits unblemished my chest
in need of surgery

To remove my conscience
or cleanse the jewel of soot
burning in the furnace

You and I are distant
friends who to each other
mean little more than dust

I need not think too much
or worry about friends
they come and go like leaves

Turn on and off like light
switches work well or not
together disappear

These lines only written
as a study on ties
to double-knot laces

Only loosen with time
but an old fool rigid
and moral remains tight

Even when alcohol
gets added to the batch
I become fervently

Adherent to ideas
others find distasteful
against the principle

Laughter and happiness
create as if dissent
were honestly a crime

I am a criminal
of social etiquette
I just don't give a fuck

Enough to get along
but then I feel alone
and seek comfort of friends

It doesn't work both ways
the riddle of a cake
is it must be eaten