Thursday, May 31, 2018

Visage ~ Thursday, 31 May 2018

If you dislike my face
it's okay I don't mind
it was a gift from God

Do I frighten your soul
do you think you will catch
disease from just one look

I don't mind if you look
in other directions
if I enter the room

Of course if I bother
others with my presence
odd as I may appear

Time lasts but a moment
terror lasts a lifetime
trauma lasts forever

Seeing you look away
snicker behind my back
safely hidden from eyes

Sorry I won't explain
sadly why I appear
sewn-up like Frankenstein

Ignominious shame
indeed follows my days
if I speak with my heart

Gerro comes out my mouth
given my misshapen
gestures to say hello

Never give up to rise
noticeably above
names never meant to hurt

Arguably they do
as they stick unlike glue
adhesives in the mind

Left like a Post-It note
littering once clear thoughts
languishing in disgrace

Of course my life reflects
only who I become
objections waved aside

Time lasts but a moment
terror lasts a lifetime
trauma lasts forever

However I don't need
hilariously hard
hearted humans in life

Even if tears should fall
elegantly as rain
enters the atmosphere

Regard my face remains
resolutely ravaged
riddled by the disease

Science cannot deny
shudder blinds storm windows
signals my appearance

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