Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Destroyer of Peace ~ Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Casimiro was born
elsewhere not here
unless of course
elsewhere for you
is here then truth
be told Casimiro
never returned
to this place yet

Whether conceived
within a womb
or in the skull
of an ancient god
matters little
to Casimiro

His daily affairs
affect no one

He is neither mayor
nor politician

Just an aging man
approaching fifty
with grace and charm

Though he believes
these attributes
without value

Empty gestures

As one lost soul
playing hide and seek
with other lost souls

Welcome to the spirit
of our times empty

Abandoned like keys
to misplaced locks
their point meaningless
redundant superfluous

The present a gift
time in this moment
eternal only the mind
divides separates
categorizes into boxes
this moment now

A rushing stream
down a mountain
where we bathe
but a moment
in the freezing cold
water then gone
forever from sight

Memories work
like this in his head
but they are only part
of the package given
of this present moment

This gift of time
after birth before death
waiting for something
to happen but what

When he finds the key
to unlock his own life
his individual present
Casimiro ascertains
the meaning of the gift

His beard grows long
but this is tomfoolery

Everyone knows wise men
don't live atop mountains
waiting for other lost souls
to climb up in order to ask
how to open their own lives

Their own present this gift
after birth before death

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