Monday, November 30, 2020

Divide and Conquer ~ Monday, November 30, 2020

All my life, I have been quiet, mother.
      My tongue,
            my mother tongue unknown to me.
                        a language, 
                              my mother tongue.

Language escapes my grasp,
      so I remain quiet,
            mother, I will sit quietly
                  in the empty corner
                        facing away, facing within,
                              inside, outside, reside
                                    on the slippery slope
                                          to mind within no-mind.

Learned French for all four years
      during high school, 
            spent one week in Paris
                  for Spring Break in college,
                        totally anticlimactic,
                              my friend was no longer my friend.

My friend became my enemy,
      I learned white people take care of their own.

Yet, I continued to study
      what was available to learn,
            Russian in college instead of Polish,
                  languages filled a gap,
                        a hole from my absence,
                              not growing up in India,
                                    in Bombay or Goa,
                                          learning Hindi
                                                or Konkani.

Languages became my fascination,
      to fill a void,
            an emptiness,
                  a lack of opportunity,
                        who provides encouragement to:
                              non-black children,
                                    non-white children,
                                          non-latinx children?

In this life, the rest of the world matters...
      very little to grown adults,
            especially during the 70s,
                  no one seemed interested...
                        their discrimination bias
                              kicked in, along with sex
                                    in the back of a van
                                          during recess.

For we are the forgotten, latchkey kids
      who stole, set fires, and got good grades,
            while living with alcoholics,
                  drug abusers, workaholics,
                        immigrants from Asia
                              who could never fit in,
                                    always minorities
                                          without community.

England to New York to California
      to Memphis to Chicago to Nowhere,
            too old now for recognition,
                  as a child it would have mattered,
                        as an adult, I have nothing,
                              when no one shows concern
                                    adults suffer the loss
                                          of participation
                                               in love and life,

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Double Bind ~ Sunday, November 29, 2020

The moment of my death is uncertain,
how I cease to continue to survive
enters my consciousness as fantasy.

My death is the solipsistic curtain
of theater and weak philosophy,
my death, I can speak glibly while alive,
even to rhyme against dark history,
not forgetting Adorno's pronouncement
troubled Paul to drown in the Seine, Sophie.

Of course, his suicide was not by chance
for survivors exist in their own world.

Maybe Celan died to remain in France,
yet, Theodor's edict, a flag unfurled.

Despite the pomposity, this statement,
even if it appears valid, still stinks;
as for me, writing poetry is life,
to reflect on all of life is beauty,
honored observations for one who thinks.

If to proclaim my barbaric yawp sounds
stale, hackneyed, even trite, against the knife

Upon which poets walk, thus my duty:
not to serve God, King and Country as lies,
created by our leaders to set hounds
empirical of logic and science
remarkably to retrieve wayward souls,
to proclaim the barbaric as conscience
aspires to remedy against the ghouls
in philosophic circles who despise
notions of verse as a bloody fountain.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Bedlam 2014 ~ Saturday, November 28, 2020

Vikram can't understand Hindi,
                        the inarticulate gurgling*
      of a Brahmin from South Asia.

But this Brahmin from New Delhi
            hears the language of his childhood
      as his mother tongue. 
            like a madman with aphasia,
                        poor Vikram doesn't recognize
            how he wound up misunderstood.

      Inside a sanatorium
                                    beside a mumbling idiot
      inside an auditorium
                  eating lunch.

                                          Chomping at the bit
            to leave this place...
                                                they both despise.

~ ~ ~


Wenn wir einen Chinesen hören, so sind wir geneigt, sein Sprechen für ein unartikuliertes Gurgeln zu halten. Einer, der chinesisch versteht, wird darin die Sprache erkennen. So kann ich oft nicht den Menschen im Menschen erkennen.

We tend to take the speech of a Chinese for inarticulate gurgling. Someone who understands Chinese will recognize language in what he hears. Similarly I often cannot discern the humanity in a man.

Culture and Value
Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1889-1951.
Edited by G. H. von Wright
in collaboration with 
Heikki Nyman
Translated by Peter Winch
The University of Chicago Press
Basil Blackwell, Oxford, ©1980.

First published in 1977 as Vermischte Bemerkungen
©1977 by Suhrkamp Verlag,
Frankfurt am Main
All rights reserved

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thread ~ Friday, November 27, 2020

The uncertain, unexpected
hides around the corner
endlessly waiting to ambush

uncaring, infected
nobility without concern
creating a mourner
escaping the discerning rush
revolving around love,
truth sets afire the taciturn,
articulates in time
insuperable obstacles,
nostalgia seeks in rhyme

understanding the chronicles
narratives from above,
energetic activity,
xenocyon enters
particularly despondent,
exits captivity,
capture now all but extinguished,
this strange dog holds centers,
enlightened wolf, correspondent
doggedly distinguished.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Beyond Essence ~ Thursday, November 26, 2020

To accept all the strangeness of others,
others I know and others I don't know,

as okay, as part of phenomena,
captured by my own mind to view as real,
created by others from their own minds,
everyone is stranger to everyone,
particularly when I don't see well,
to accept the real for and in itself,

accept the good, accept the bad, accept
life in its infinite splendor, beauty
lies square in the eyes of the beholder,

trust in the world being strange and okay,
humans are funny that way, I become
excited by the strangeness of others,

strangeness is real, it happens when I seek
to embrace the otherwise than being
residing in my core values, my heart,
angel of my being, my heart and soul,
negate nothing, not even nothingness,
grant me the serenity to accept
everyone and everything as the real,
needless of things that go against the grain,
envelope my mind in a shield called truth,
strangeness comes from others when in distress,
strangeness is not distress but expression,

only I can accept strangeness as real,
for I am as strange as strangeness itself,

others see the strangeness in me as strange,
to accept their strangeness, I must accept
how I appear to others in their eyes,
even if I appear normal to me,
regardless, the I that I am is real,
strangeness is real, it is the only truth.

Black Lives Matter ~ Thursday, November 26, 2020

Race is not simply a social construct,
as you see an idea that kills a man,
considered on the basis of his skin,
exactly that, nothing more, self-destruct

indigenous people with blatant lies,
skin tone racially profiles man, woman

needlessly in categories too thin,
of course, to slide into the given slot,
to say race doesn't kill blacks may disguise

scientific fact with academic
ignorance, prejudice and bigotry
makes the world unsafe because we are sick,
pollution from smoke since antiquity
leaves the children helplessly sold and bought,
yesterday's concept is today's white smoke,

accounting for greenhouse gases, the air

suffocates with centuries old ideas,
old, dead white guys create an age-old joke,
coldness calculates ideology,
ideology: socially unfair
arguments in encyclopedias
liberates no one from entitlement,

crucify Christ because theology
only believes in Him as a white man,
not because his principles defy hate,
structure your argument so as to span
totality, Alexander the Great
resolves to cut the Gordian knot, bent
under in loops, unable to untie
creation from its tangled mess, we buy
time with a sword, the law is heaven sent.

Nothing New Under the Sun ~ Thursday, November 26, 2020

The future was today and yesterday,
history unfolds each moment, right now,
every ten, twenty, thirty years, look back,

forget about choices made, so they say,
under duress, by mistake, decisions
take a turn for the worse, ask Mr. Gao,
under the sweat of his brow does he track
receipts for the owner of the bookstore,
every consequence comes from intentions,

we believe today is not yesterday,
and today will never be tomorrow,
still, it must be said that we cannot say

today is not yesterday, the sorrow
of decades past, chosen in times of yore,
decided in the same way we do now,
ask Mr. Gao, he tracks the old accounts,
yesterday must account for the present,

ask Mr. Gao, he slaughters an old sow,
never letting blood stain his hands, he cuts
decisively, sticking to what amounts

yesterday, as they say, as time well spent,
enter the abattoir to butcher life,
save your morality and clean the guts,
take turns with Mr. Gao, boning the hog,
even if you are squeamish, do your job,
remember a pig died, not a hound dog,
do your work, get it done, your heart may throb,
ask Mr. Gao how to slice with a knife,
yesterday is not today, so they say.

I'm not a robot ~ Thursday, November 26, 2020

I am not a black man, nor a white man;

alone in my body: my brain, my heart,
my visceral organs, my limbs, my skin,

neurons signal my eyes to move, to scan
over the page, to read line after line,
transmit information, state of the art,

alone within my body is no sin,

breathe in and out with lungs on fire, aspire
linguistically with tongues of flame, divine
arts of language, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, throat
choke on the guttural phonemes abroad,
kiss the bilabial letters, a moat

moves nowhere encircling a grand facade,
a castle, water sets a ring of fire,
nothing but the body can overcome

normal everyday obstacles, hurdles
over which legs leap and lope, bound in stride,
relax and bounce again, over pond scum,

a house reimagines a small castle,

whispers, if milk is left out, it curdles,
horror of horrors put it back inside,
in the refrigerator, it stays cold,
terrorize the children with a vassal
emerging from the castle with a scroll

made from parchment, vellum, a calfskin rolled
around into a cylinder, the bold
nimwit proclaims non-fat milk is not whole.

A Shade in Hades ~ Thursday, November 26, 2020

The obol is a sign of stillness,
how did I come to lie in state,
evidently, the ferryman knows.

Objections to the rule of law
based on nature and gravity
occasions a sense of profound loss,
levity cannot raise enough laughter.

In this dark foreboding place, I sleep
soundly without a peep, nor a breath.

Ask the ferryman for I cannot.

Sleep like this comes once in a lifetime
if even then for time slowly lengthens
given I am too old to notice
needlessly how time bends with pain.

Old age is not how I ceased to survive,
forgetfulness occurs in this place.

Slippery, the wet rocks covered with moss,
transformed into a pale shadow
in this holding cell for those who wait,
little is known, where we are going,
little is known, who is in charge,
not the translucent man in the robes,
even though he seems to have been here
since the beginning of time itself,
since I have all the time in the world...

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Unaccountably Lost ~ Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Explain the inexplicable, the war,
xenophobia, genocide and race,
practical philosophy, its failure,
lapses in judgment, words underscore
atrocities, violence as vapid
ineffable acts, so routine and base
normal citizens took part in the cure.

Western Europe and Far Eastern Asia
obliterated by fire bombs, rapid
release of energy, the atom bomb,
literally invented global fear
decades after the end, the last pogrom.

Words cannot explain within a school year
all the events, murders, euthanasia,
relatively healthy people just died.

Travesties of justice and victories
written down to observe our histories,
orders to commit crimes, arrested, tried.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Heartbroken: "Over a fish." ~ Tuesday, November 24, 2020

It seems senseless crying over the loss of such a small creature.

But in the eyes of the Lord, none of us are big or small.

We simply shine brighter or darker like stars in the sky.

So cry as you feel you need.

Perhaps it is tears for someone or something you lost long ago.

Excuses, Excuses ~ Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Kindness is difficult for angry souls,
in the heat of the moment, I forget,
neglect to pay respect to the Other,
deference comes at a price, empty bowls
necessary to fill at a shelter,
empty hearts, empty minds, I get upset,
submission at the hands of my brother,
subject to trauma as a little boy.

Skeins of dreams disappear, helter-skelter,
kindness turns to bittersweet, dark chocolate,
empty hands cup the past, a sparrow's egg
incites a feud, darkness as a comet
neatly arcs the elliptic, must I beg,
seems mercy ("uncle") is a sadist's joy.

The Inconceivable ~ Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Setbacks disrupt the process of training,
engaging a conflict of emotions,
troubled by the idea that time ceases
being significant, watch hope draining
arguably from the plan, game, set, match,
creating reversals for devotions,
kiss the race goodbye, pick up the pieces,
settle for second best, nothing good comes.

Stakes are high, try again, but what's the catch,
trying to convince the brain that time lost
arbitrarily to a pandemic
kills nothing but vested interest, the cost
entertaining an injury, epic
systemic change, a virus beats the drums.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Biotic Crisis ~ Monday, November 23, 2020

Kind from Old English gecynde, natural,
in Middle English, well born or well bred,
native, benevolent, courteous, mild,
designed by nature as cultural.

Mild from Old English milde, gracious, humane,
in command, not severe, gentle, well read,
lenient, merciful to a wild child,
docile, gentle, not easily provoked.

Humane from late Middle English human, a stain
upon the earth, from cradle to the grave,
mankind builds to cover the whole surface,
as to hide the beauty of the earth, save
natural formations of desert, base
environmental clear cutting, we choked.

Self-immolation ~ Monday, November 23, 2020

I was not born a pyromaniac.

Just as de Beauvoir asked, "Must We Burn Sade?"
ugly as that question after the purge
systematic, our monomaniac
trumpery has overstayed his welcome,

Warts and all exits The White House for good,
at last, we all breathe a sigh of...well played,
no one remembers, we were on the verge,
to say otherwise is simply evil,

touching how we embrace the wooden rood,
« on ne naît pas feu : on le devient. »

Set aside your prejudice against French,
évidemment, „Säuberung“ combien
to set the world aflame, toss in a bench,

the books burn and I become the Devil.
how could she forget the Nazis, the war,
evidently, she was fire in the bed.

Wonders never cease, I watch the world burn,
holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of power
or delight of the might humans convey
lightly on the Almighty, I am red,
envious of His omnipotence, learn!

Witches burn at the stake, but just women
open to suggestion, if I survey
righteousness versus deviance, the lies
leveled against a man in court, my case
decided by angels, guardian spies

obsequious to eternal disgrace,
noble imagination forgiven.

Forgive me but I know not what I've done,
in childhood, I played with fire, the beating
received by my father at eleven
egged me on to hate the world, everyone.

Insane they made their son, their behavior
sons divided, I went to a meeting...

To open the bottle, throw a seven,
how I learned about alcoholism,
arguably, my dad was no savior,
to me, my brother remains in denial.

To burn the whole wide world is my one goal,
of course, each person's family is a trial,
of course, I failed and now I'm on the dole.

Maybe God does exist, the racism
unveiled in the 70s, the 80s
crushed me like a cockroach, humble, humble,
humble, beaten by God the Father, Lord,

to ask for mercy for this life, ladies
of the jury and gentlemen, I beg...

Ascertain for yourself, I mumble
stumble, take a tumble, I am so bored,
kiss the cruel world goodbye, I light a match.

Abject poverty, stinking of raw egg.

Burdened by religion, Catholic faith,
of course, indoctrination is the key,
order over chaos, I am the wraith
killing humanity for anarchy,

order is not justice, just pull the latch
for truth to stand before Pontius Pilate.

Enigmatic Jesus, cross with Abba,
save me the sanctimonious, smug smile,
since I was a child, I was born too late,
as the years passed, my troubles made me dumb,
yes, I played with fire, stole, gabba, gabba,
say, I watched Nazis burn books all the while.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Public Service Announcement ~ Saturday, November 21, 2020

In this world there are two types of people,
regardless of age, sex or gender roles.

Those who crack jokes at funerals and wakes,
and those who cry at an execution.

Then there's those who laugh as the lights flicker,
and those who make friends with the coroner.

Or those who end it all with a taut rope,
and those who coax jumpers back from bridges.

Those who ride bobbers into the sunset,
and those who kill God to prove He exists.

There are those who can't touch their toes,
and those who bend over backwards when asked.

Those who work too hard for next to no pay,
and those executives who embezzle.

Those who are too scared to leave their front door,
and those who skydive for no good reason.

Those who file for divorce with their sixth spouse,
and those who marry their high school sweetheart.

Those who competitively eat hot dogs,
and those who purge before they go to bed.

Those who swim in fishbowl margaritas,
and those who read the Serenity Prayer.

Those who think methodically slow as sloths,
and those who outwit as well as John Donne.

Those who forecast the weather with their bones,
and those who leave their umbrellas at home.

Those who can hold their breath underwater,
and those with asthma who can't breathe at all.

Those who pick their nose and scratch their bottom,
and those who still lift their hats for women.

Those who wear masks during a pandemic,
and those who die from Coronavirus.

Chivalry may be dead, also romance,
but please, be fair and kind, and wear a mask.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Trinity ~ Friday, November 20, 2020

Mind from Old English gemynd, memory,
intellect, intention, thinking and thought,
neither substantial, nor tangible, real,
definite, distinct, solid, sensory.

Body from Old English bodiġ, torso,
obsolete bodie, a Gordian knot,
decisively cut by a sword to deal
yet, another victory for logic.

Spirit from Latin, spiritus for breath,
pulmonary respiration, gases,
internal-external transport, passes
rationally without thought before death,
indifferent to the will, adagio
to presto is nothing short of magic.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Droll Angel of the LORD ~ Thursday, November 19, 2020

Reading Celan while eating pumpkin pie,
everyone knows Holocaust Poetry
and seasonal desserts juxtaposes
death by organized troops who testify
in post-war trials against superiors
never accepting the geometry
given by God for the care of roses.

Certainly reading Death Fugue satiates
every reader of their thirst, inferiors
live and let live while others hang high,
accountability goes up in smoke,
"never again" sworn, turning a blind eye.

Welcome to genocide, those words we spoke
hopeless to stop while the sun radiates
incoherent plasma to scramble eggs
like minds warped by heat to systematic
elective perjury to save our souls.

Entertaining readers, the question begs
at who profits from others' misery,
telling tales of murder in the attic,
in movies, on TV, we are but ghouls
nourishing ourselves on undead zombies,
grants our none the wiser admissory.

Pumpkin pie and black milk, I cannot lie,
under the circumstances, I must speak,
must speak truth to Pilate, I cannot die
perniciously placed on the Cross, a freak
killed in gas chambers, our naked bodies
intertwined in mass graves, who comes to pray,
never the perpetrators but the choir.

Perfect, sweep the ashes into the fire,
insist our documents the costs defray,
entertain readers, watch a donkey bray.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tormented By Twisted Laughter ~ Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What remains below the surface,
hovers aloft within the soul,
articulates nothing in words,
tragically abides in disgrace,

remains hidden in the body,
eliminates the flood control
masking language in songs of birds,
abolishes chance with dice thrown
in the face of Now the bawdy
noblesse oblige of shamelessness
shuttered behind Catholic blinds,

below the surface, faithlessness
entertains the troops, drunken minds
lascivious, lecherous, known
only as libido and lust,
wanton mistress of cool fire blue,

tormented by twisted laughter,
how restricted by disgust,
entrapped by self-loathing, severe

spartan discipline, as bamboo
under fingernails, each rafter
resounds with pain, the reclusive
frontier border sought by austere,
ascetics to mortify flesh,
counter to reason, to refresh,
exact results inconclusive.

Une Blague ~ Tuesday, November 17, 2020

How our grandfather died,
of course, we never knew,
when our father made jokes.

Of course, we didn't know,
understand, grasp the clew,
really, our dad was young.

Granted, he may have known,
remember, his dad died
an older gentleman,
never forget, his age
difference to his young wife.
Forever and a day
at dinner every night
the joke seemed to persist,
how our dad decided
even then to withhold
relevant facts on death.

Decidedly, he died
in the throes of cancer,
ever so sad, our loss,
despite the fact he joked.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Acknowledgment ~ Sunday, November 15, 2020

Buddha: complete, perfect awakening,
understanding beyond merely human,
defined as not a state of mind, no-mind,
despite centuries of teachings, one man
humbly accepts to save the entire world,
accepts all his ancient, twisted karma.

Dharma: cosmic law revealed through karma,
hungry ghosts and dead souls awakening,
ancient, twisted roots underneath the world,
reality, a thought, all too human,
meaning the world arises with one man,
accept body and mind as one no-mind.

Sangha: the third jewel found within no-mind,
accept all my ancient, twisted karma,
no one in the community of man
grants to thought there is no awakening,
human, all too human, and yet, human,
accept the three jewels as one in the world.

Ahimsa: non-violence in the world,
how force hurts, damages or kills no-mind,
imagine no violence, still human,
mark the senseless nature of our karma,
still human, we sit in awakening,
accept violent-nonviolent man.

Chakra: in a circle, the wheel turns man,
human, all too human, we view the world,
accept the body in awakening,
killing body and mind reveals no-mind,
respect the cosmic nature of karma,
accept the turnstile of thought as human.

Mantra: a word or sound thought as human,
ancient sounds repeated, the work of man,
no-mind reveals ancient, twisted karma,
trust in concentration to aid the world,
rest in meditation to see no-mind,
accept thought, no-thought in awakening.

Tantra: stretch my karma, accept the world,
nothing more human than weaving for man,
rest in no-mind, advance awakening.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Suffer the Little Children ~ Friday, November 13, 2020

Just because I give it away for free,
under no conditions am I a whore,
spread your legs and let the boys take a look,
they say this to a little girl, why me?

Because I'm not supposed to ask you why,
even if they called me pussy galore,
creating characters out of a book,
a little girl repeats just what she hears,
until it's too late and she starts to cry,
silly how I learned the hard way that boys
enlist girls to enjoy the bad and good.

I understood they treated us like toys.

Give me ten minutes and a plank of wood
is all I ask, after so many tears,
vengeance is mine, I will repay tenfold,
enemies they made me of one-time friends.

In my cell, I wonder what I have done
that is so sinister to be called bold.

Answer my questions father, must I die
when they lured me to be bad, who defends
a little girl from those boys, just to have fun,
yes, fun, that's what they thought I would feel, too.

Fun is supposed to free the soul, to fly
on the wings of eagles, is this not true,
reason was not my forte as a child.

For fuck's sake, father, I was a bit wild,
really, I can't make sense why I am here,
ending up behind bars, nothing to fear,
execution at midnight, Pinky Blue.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Future Is Unwritten ~ Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What lies around the corner is unknown,
how we could not see in 2019
a storm of catastrophic proportions,
trouble is our blind spots reveal a zone

little to no one can connect the dots,
in 2020, tsunamis unseen
entered our living spaces, distortions
sound cognitive dissonance in our ears,

as we approach 2021, spots
resolved years ago reappear, our eyes
only just now start to degenerate,
under these conditions, who perceives lies
nurtured by The President to frustrate
determined citizens beyond their fears,

tragically, the population declines
horrifically not with age but disease,
enter the 20s full of hope, but time

ceases to be on our side, we find lines
on every corner, waiting to buy food,
remember the person who holds the keys
not to our past but to the present, climb,
elongate your arms to reach the future,
reach back and pull us forward, beyond shrewd,

intelligent dealers of pain, suffer
sorrow and loss, as family members pass,

ultimately, we survive, the buffer
needed to support life passes top brass,
kiss your loved ones while you can, we suture
noticeable gashes and cuts and move
on, back to normalcy, if we accept
winter as a bitter season, we prove
no one can hold us back, once we have wept.

The Waiting Game ~ Wednesday, November 11, 2020

2020...No one could imagine
how turbulent a tempestuous wind
enters with a whiff, a scent of jasmine.

Winding down the year, can we ever find
an honest man as Diogenes sought
in Athens so long ago; I think nought
to pass without a shred of deception,
in this climate, that is my perception;
no one knows what the future holds, the past
grants us a vision of what is to come.

Given no precedent, our speech is dumb
as a mute child talking in signs, aghast
marking time, the unemployed play a game,
etching strokes on a wall, no one to blame.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Amateur Pugilist's Legacy ~ Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Strange, a southpaw marries a pugilist,
only a year apart, the same birthday,
under their tutelage, I learned nothing,
to listen to my father's eulogist
he was beloved by our community,
praised for his generosity, to say
alcoholism in a man can bring
wine, women and song, at least, he could dance.

Pity, I missed my opportunity
as a child to fight back, punch, kick and bite
the boxer, my father, his drunken rage,
hungry for the chance to destroy, to write
our family legacy, outside the cage
some call prison, others call home, no chance.

Facebook Memories ~ Tuesday, November 10, 2020

How to say hello to a deceased friend
online via Facebook through Memories
when you neglected to respond in time.

Touching, how quaint, you realize they're gone,
only now, feelings of regret build up.

So sweet, a heartless bastard like yourself
admits you were too busy to reply,
yet you were shocked about the accident.

"Hi!" was all they posted on your newsfeed,
even to take a moment to say "hi",
letting them know you acknowledge their post,
letting them feel recognition from you,
only that was too much so long ago.

Tragic how she died after her release,
only two days later someone posted.

Ask yourself, if you could go back, would you?

Drowning yourself in spirits won't help much,
easing the pain with painkillers, no good,
creating a Facebook page for dead friends...
exactly how creepy is that really,
addressing the problem, your loss as real,
saying out loud to someone else, it hurts,
engaging with people in the real world,
damage control to Mr. Gabidar.

Friends come once in a lifetime, then they're gone,
rest assured, nothing you can do to change
internal systems of defense but work
energetically to salvage your ship,
no one minds you simply don't care, polite,
decent people leave you alone to grow.

á grúfu ~ Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Cleave grief caught red-handed clever cleaver,
left-handed lesson learned, mother teaches
errant son property is theft to steal,
anarchy leads chaos, as believer
values childhood memories as valid,
eternal arguments inside his head.

Clever to grovel for mercy, the boy
lets tears run down his face, mother reaches
expiation, his tone sincere, her zeal
vindicates her vengeance, she takes no joy
exacting discipline, his face pallid,
remember memories never unshed.

Reveal the truth if truth be known, torture
engages the mind more than happy days,
varnished over by the horror, old age
entertains memories, summer scorcher,
astronauts landing on the moon, the haze
lifts to unveil naught worthwhile at that stage.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Undiscovered Country ~ Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Transport me to a time where lunatics,
hateful madmen, noble princes and kings
exit the castle, the keep, and the throne.

Undiscovered the country by the Styx,
nestled between an oath and an obol,
drive me across old ferryman who brings
intoxicated fools across; a crone
starving, hungry, lustful for a life, lost;
courage unnecessary, a symbol
of this former life; a bold attitude
veritably forgotten on entrance;
empty of hope, dead souls cannot be rude;
remember, here we forget, not a chance
entrusted underground, we know the cost
despair over past lives hampers the soul.

Count me lucky, I did not wed the prince;
opinions vary as to his logic;
unstable in the mind, he played his role
not unlike a madman, his sense long gone;
trust me when I say he could not convince
royalty of his sanity; toxic
yet sweet, as ergot rye, he was my swan.