Thursday, November 26, 2020

I'm not a robot ~ Thursday, November 26, 2020

I am not a black man, nor a white man;

alone in my body: my brain, my heart,
my visceral organs, my limbs, my skin,

neurons signal my eyes to move, to scan
over the page, to read line after line,
transmit information, state of the art,

alone within my body is no sin,

breathe in and out with lungs on fire, aspire
linguistically with tongues of flame, divine
arts of language, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, throat
choke on the guttural phonemes abroad,
kiss the bilabial letters, a moat

moves nowhere encircling a grand facade,
a castle, water sets a ring of fire,
nothing but the body can overcome

normal everyday obstacles, hurdles
over which legs leap and lope, bound in stride,
relax and bounce again, over pond scum,

a house reimagines a small castle,

whispers, if milk is left out, it curdles,
horror of horrors put it back inside,
in the refrigerator, it stays cold,
terrorize the children with a vassal
emerging from the castle with a scroll

made from parchment, vellum, a calfskin rolled
around into a cylinder, the bold
nimwit proclaims non-fat milk is not whole.

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