Thursday, November 26, 2020

Black Lives Matter ~ Thursday, November 26, 2020

Race is not simply a social construct,
as you see an idea that kills a man,
considered on the basis of his skin,
exactly that, nothing more, self-destruct

indigenous people with blatant lies,
skin tone racially profiles man, woman

needlessly in categories too thin,
of course, to slide into the given slot,
to say race doesn't kill blacks may disguise

scientific fact with academic
ignorance, prejudice and bigotry
makes the world unsafe because we are sick,
pollution from smoke since antiquity
leaves the children helplessly sold and bought,
yesterday's concept is today's white smoke,

accounting for greenhouse gases, the air

suffocates with centuries old ideas,
old, dead white guys create an age-old joke,
coldness calculates ideology,
ideology: socially unfair
arguments in encyclopedias
liberates no one from entitlement,

crucify Christ because theology
only believes in Him as a white man,
not because his principles defy hate,
structure your argument so as to span
totality, Alexander the Great
resolves to cut the Gordian knot, bent
under in loops, unable to untie
creation from its tangled mess, we buy
time with a sword, the law is heaven sent.

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