Tuesday, July 18, 2017

"Con Men and Optical Illusions" ~ 2015.2.6

He wore a plain dark suit, a plain tie without design. He had a short haircut of no particular style at all. His smile perturbed me the most as it lacked that glimmer in the eyes of people who truly know happiness from hardship, as they'd experienced both deeply throughout their lives. He was an actor, I wish I could have seen that right there and then and called him on the cards he was playing, a dirty hand, bluffing, conning himself he has a full house, when he only has a pair of one-eyed Jacks and a suicide King. But I couldn't call a spade a spade, nor could I see into his heart about his motivations, his intentions, what or who drives his actions. 

Truth be told, his smile reminded me of someone else who played the good-guy but kept a knife in his boot, ready to stab me when I turned around and wasn't keeping an eye on him, so I wouldn't catch him, blindsided. But he did just that with promises to counter such an act just six weeks prior to digging the blade deeply into my spleen, as if he knew where it would do the most damage. Now whenever I see an intelligent smiling man act the fool, I see the red flags pop-up that tell me to slow down as if driving past an active construction site on the expressway. It might take me a moment to understand why I need to tap the breaks and be wary but then I realize that Mercury is in retrograde and all hell is bound to break loose when the planets mess with our perception of their movements.

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