Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Sardonic Smile ~ Saturday, 29 February 2020

Some of us actually had good parents, 
on a bad day we got hugs and kisses, 
many times they understood our small needs, 
even when we were bad, they were still kind, 

of course, we knew we were the lucky ones, 
for they loved and accepted no matter, 

unless we brought home bad grades, then they went 
stride for stride to figure out if we need 

any help, a tutor for our studies, 
creating a home where we felt their love, 
treasured as an expression of their joy, 
under their guidance, we became adults, 
active participants in social life, 
living examples of healthy families, 
lessons learned as children help us to win, 
yes, win or learn, but never lose, we earned 

hard won respect from others who saw us 
as soft, sheltered, cared for, understood, loved, 
duty to hard work, overcoming fears, 

generosity to less fortunate 
older people and their children, like us, 
ordinary / extraordinary, 
deliberate interaction with those 

people most in need of some assistance, 
articles of faith in society 
remain our lasting legacy, in truth, 
eventually we made our parents proud, 
no just as their children, but as parents 
that help our own children with their problems, 
solving their difficulties day by day. 

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