Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Morsel ~ Wednesday, 5 February 2020

What is the I when I write I believe, 
how does the phrase, cogito ergo sum
argue the fact I exist as a proof, 
this I exists but within each moment, 

if I blink my eyes for a second, light 
stops informing each retina, signals 

to the brain cease, the phenomenal world 
has exactly one small second to breathe, 
exhale, the residue evaporates. 

I appear to myself in the mirror, 

when I take a photo of my image, 
how it no longer appears in reverse, 
evidently, this is how we make sense, 
nothing is as it appears to the mind. 

I am not as I appear to myself, 

writing takes a certain effort to see 
right between the eyes, to shoot a photon, 
in a flash, the image thus develops, 
to write in terms of imagery, it takes 
eagle eyes to scout out hidden prey, lunch. 

I was small once, on a swing in a park, 

believe me when I say I trust in light, 
eagle flew down to lift me up, take me 
lightly away, to have me for dinner, 
in an instant, my mother shined a torch, 
ever since then I learned Kenyans use words 
very differently than Americans, 
even this flashlight was a torch to her... 

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