Friday, February 28, 2020

Envision the Future ~ Friday, 28 February 2020

All the things that happened so long ago 
little matters in our economy, 
little do we remember childhood games, 

those events make no difference for us now, 
hopelessly laughable pranks in high school, 
endlessly, we unwittingly caused pain, 

the things that matter today, climate change, 
hinge on how we accept our past mistakes, 
if we were not responsible, we act 
nonetheless, as accountability 
gives us a measure to respect ourselves, 
still, we must not judge the giants of steel, 

trusts, banking, coal, railroads, and industry, 
how could we know then what we know today, 
as if we had a magic crystal ball 
that could see into the future, vision 

hampered by money, greed and ignorance, 
anger, rage and desire, human nature 
provides a wealth of destructive instincts, 
provides a rationale of survival, 
entertains our fantasies for success, 
nudges us over the precipice, fly 
eagle, fly, you must learn to soar above, 
down we fall as Icarus plunges deep, 

sucked into the sea of abandonment, 
only Daedalus could have saved the boy, 

left with our base desires, we become blind, 
only the voice of reason can save us, 
nothing but ears clogged with wax, cannot hear, 
granted, God speaks to none but the worthy, 

as Moses at the burning bush, and Christ, 
groaning with pain before he dies of grief, 
on the cross calling out for his father. 

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