Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cursed ~ Thursday, 27 February 2020

After our separation, I waited 
for the divorce papers to come by post, 
the seventh of August, two thousand eight, 
even I saw we missed the triple eights 
really by just one day, it was legal, 

once I realized I was free to play, 
under no jurisdiction of the law, 
realized I was not shackled by love, 

simply free to prowl around Chicago, 
eventually I came to feel the curse, 
painful as failure is, success is worse, 
as if a seed were planted in my brain, 
remaining faithful was less a problem 
as scoring a goal in a soccer match, 
terrified of being human, with faults, 
indeed I made mistakes, I was unclean, 
on the whole, I didn't cheat, but I made 
no apologies for being a man. 

I didn't appreciate our marriage, 

we shared little in common, things got bad 
after I got back from doing yoga 
in the Berkshires at Kripalu, the Bears 
threw away the Super Bowl to the Colts, 
emptiness made me shiver down my spine, 

devil giveth, devil taketh away. 

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