Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mr. Gabidar on Wealth ~ Thursday, 6 February 2020

Some of us are born into old money, 
on the surface, it looks like we don't care, 
money offers us opportunities, 
equality is inherently not 

on equal ground in terms of finances, 
for those of us born into luxury, 

uninhibited wealth is a problem 
some find difficult to manage themselves, 

arguably, we don't do our fair share, 
rest assured, we're philanthropists at heart, 
even if we find the right tax loopholes, 

because we were born to the leisure class, 
of course, we are privileged and entitled, 
remember, there are those who act that way 
not realizing how they make us feel, 

if this misrepresentation won't stop 
no one will differentiate us from 
them, new money, who come into their own 
overwhelming amounts of capital, 

old money recognizes its own kind, 
little do we care about young upstarts 
doing little to help society, 

marketing and publicity matter 
only to little known celebrities, 
nobody cares about their dumb exploits, 
entertainment keeps us all in business, 
yes, but let's represent old money right...

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