Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Genuflect / Take a knee ~ Wednesday, 27 May 2020

We are all in this together, they say, 
except they lie, when police still kill you, 

are we ever going to move forward, 
remember you told us not to gather, 
except the police killed another man, 

another black man, let's be clear, police 
left another unarmed black man breathless, 
left him unconscious, a case of murder, 

in this case, the police murdered a man, 
no one knows why some police officers 

take advantage of their right to use force, 
how the police lose their sense of judgment, 
in less than ten minutes, a man is dead, 
so don't say we're all in this together, 

to say this case is an anomaly, 
of course, is obvious, except the facts 
given paint a different picture, decades 
elapse, centuries of entitlement, 
to say racism isn't a factor 
hurts our sense of indignation, murder 
entitles no one to act with bad faith, 
remember we are all simply mortal, 

to forget the good done since the lockdown, 
healthcare workers and other essential, 
essential, essential people who work, 
yes, oftentimes, the dirtiest of jobs, 

simply to wipe the slate clean of their work, 
as the focus shifts on four officers, 
yes, we are in this together, wake up!

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