Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Handsome Demons ~ Wednesday, 6 May 2020

It takes guts to admit you made mistakes 

as a teenager before adulthood, 
my mom holds me accountable, am I 

sorry I sold my soul for rock 'n' roll, 
old pyromaniacs go straight to hell, 
ready to stoke the flames and burning souls, 
ready for their eternal damnation, 
yes, I said yes to drugs back in high school, 

maybe if I stayed clean, no alcohol 
or acid, I could have become someone 
monstrously important in this dumb world, 

deaf, dumb and blind, ignorant to the bone, 
ask me to participate in stupid 
dealings with dimwitted politicians, 

ask me to regret my choices, mistakes 
nobody but I decided were right, 
damned to eternal hell, that's a good laugh. 

Take your morality and shove it, Love. 

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