Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Inhale ~ Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Buzzing like a bee in Chemistry class, 
in disguise wearing a pair of goggles, 
learning how the scientific method 
leaves us better people while smoking grass, 
yes, marijuana in pipes after school, 

William Shakespeare, watch him as he boggles 
indifferent teens with language affected, 
gaining no points with Elizabethan charm, 
giving us a headache with his lack of cool, 
leave it to us to psychoanalyze 
elephant talk, bunkum and balderdash, 
students of literature, unaware 
to care more about school, we couldn't care 
in a million years, more or less, the skies 
could rain down silver dollars, hard, cold cash, 
kiss my ass, Billy Wigglestick, disarm. 

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