Sunday, December 31, 2017

☆ Goodbye Cruel World ~ Sunday, 31 December 2017

Just before New Year's Eve 
I flushed a small horse-fly 
down the porcelain drain

Unwittingly I spoiled 
the guest-host relation
with disconcerting pride 

Swift with shock and awe-struck 
I watched the certain death 
of a pest born to lose 

Time runs out with sudden 
unpleasant occasion 
sensations in the brain 

Bewilder my senses 
I cannot flee or run
away or fly past nets 

Ever losing balance 
the tides shifting swirling 
with a maelstrom effect 

Focus if I focus 
my ommatidia 
I may not feel so drunk

Overboard I've fallen 
into the salty sea 
drowned in a whirlpool tide 

Recurrence eternal 
my death the same my life 
exact I cannot choose 

Event A Event B 
or even Event C
it's all the same to me 

Nothing ever changes 
I've seen it all before 
this life full of regrets 

Enter the empty bowl 
only to refill once 
again as I expect 

Wonders never amaze 
or cease to fire synapse 
after synapse once sunk 

Your battleship since caught 
in the crosshairs to shoot 
a torpedo propelled 

Exactly through the hull 
a bullet through my skull 
a horse-fly drunk with death 

Ascertain this fiction 
metaphysics delight 
in knowledge of theory 

Rewards of afterlife 
unseen and uncertain 
the curtain since dispelled 

See my original 
face beyond the veneer 
of false hope my last breath 

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Collateral Damage ~ Saturday, 30 December 2017

Beyond the mundane world 
I seek world peace a joke 
to some who see whirled peas 

Under no condition 
do I choose to delude 
myself with the humor 

Demonstrated at hand 
with how impossible 
our task presents itself 

Deny yourself humor 
when you know how remote 
the day to come we seize 

Humor with a hard look 
to face sarcasm down 
as bad faith at the well 

A wish dreams of a world 
where hope ruffles no bird 
found on an oil slick beach 


Defense contracts ensure 
big business war profits 
collateral damage 

Humors no one in brass 
except the most jaded 
soldier on base rumor 

As heard off-base reveals 
this man sick in the brain 
with a tumor his health 

Rest assured does not make 
his schadenfreude less 
poignant when others lose 

Mothers fathers children 
to a wanton missile 
we shrug at the news tell 

Anyone who asks that God 
acts in mysterious 
ways a lesson we teach 


Soldiers themselves to say 
in order to lessen 
the truth behind ravaged 

Artillery-shelled homes
where civilians survive
as maimed shells flesh and bone

No one here will listen
to another story
the other side must tell 

Guess who suffers their loss 
blind to our own conscience 
within our guts we choose 

However bad the news 
to look away and shrug 
or else we turn to stone 

Ask Medusa to stare 
into the mirror held 
by Perseus hard sell


Friday, December 29, 2017

Will It End? ~ Friday, 29 December 2017

As we enter a new 
year I ask that we live 
in a world without harm 

Hold on to your hats folks 
I don't expect that hawks 
change their feathers 

In fact I preach to choirs 
around the world that peace 
trumps hate but no one sings 

My praises to end years 
of enmity today 
this is cause for alarm 

Still somehow we can't stop 
toddlers playing with fire 
in the Bronx but to shut 

A door could have saved lives 
the neglect adults do 
this is where we begin 


Bound to treat each other 
with respect due to kings 
and queens as royalty 

Although we see the worst 
in each other as past 
actions color measures 

Noticeably taken 
to keep at a distance 
foreign objects as things 

Deemed too strange to bring near 
to keep close or to love 
we are slaves bound in chains 

History fetters wrists 
and ankles in shackles 
irons we cannot cut 

Although we appear free 
our minds are in bondage 
to our beliefs in sin 


Cut the ties that control 
our thoughts the false feed 
that speaks of loyalty 

Harm a powerful force 
that decides whom we trust 
unconditional love 

Indeed appears foreign 
as strange as the teachings 
of Jesus to the men 

Those disciples who walked 
in His steps but fell short 
in faith water their brains 

That their egos may melt 
frozen like ice rock hard 
to hear the mourning dove 

As plaintive as grieving 
mothers with their children 
lost in war asking when 


Setting an Intention ~ Friday, 29 December 2017

Never in this short life 
did I see how I need 
to set an intention 

Entering the new year 
it may sound strange to ears 
unaccustomed to feel 

Wonder at hearing words 
of wisdom from sparrows 
nestled inside a bush 

You see the sparrows speak 
as I walk past the bush 
where they deign to mention 

Every time I walk past 
to set an intention 
at the start of the year 

Actually I can't hear 
a word the sparrows say 
but I hear their chatter 

Rather than hide the fact 
that I don't speak sparrow 
I came to hear my heart 

Starting with the new year 
I set my sights to look 
honestly and appeal 

Resolutely to solve 
the problems that appear 
before my eyes to push 

Ever onwards to change 
the world with very small 
acts to better the whole 

Solve big problems with small 
individual steps 
to help others unclear 

Over their intentions 
in their everyday lives 
for we know thoughts matter 

Leave the past in the past 
honor your memories 
but to make a new start 

Understand the present 
as a moment to heal 
and grow and help others 

To achieve goals to learn 
how to live with people 
without causing alarm 

If the sparrows knew how 
to live with each other 
without damage control 

Our own children could live 
in peace and harmony 
as sisters and brothers 

Never in my short life 
would I dream we could live 
in a world without harm 


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Ä€tman ~ Saturday, 23 December 2017

Algebra my first love 
taught me I didn't need 
pen and paper to think 

Brilliant but nobody 
noticed until I fell 
straight down the rabbit hole 

Acid trips baked my brain 
until I slowly went 
insane when I got clean 

Calculus the first sign 
I was losing my mind 
pushing me to the brink 

Under circumstances 
well beyond my control 
I was hooked like a fish 

Swimming inside my mind 
like in a murky pond 
the Buddha swished its tail 


Bright enough to catch sight 
of the meaning of life 
but not why we create 

Reality from pain 
suffering disease death 
I searched within my soul 

Ageless as time itself 
I awoke in the pond 
with the fish an undine 

How a water spirit 
entered my restless brain 
as the first avatar 

Matsya the fish god 
decades later I see 
my heart its deepest wish 

At that age my parents 
thought me mad drug-addled 
their son who could not fail 


Crushed by the hand of God 
squeezed hard until I burst 
watch my ego deflate 

How I survived childhood 
with an alcoholic 
father his wily games 

Abandoned to the hell 
of hungry ghosts my mind 
found meaning in language 

Kill the Buddha outside 
of mind outside the pond 
the fish from Zanzibar 

Rules the Black Coast swishing 
its tail to swim inside 
the pool of mind it aims 

Arrow after arrow 
at its target with grace 
to gain an advantage 


Friday, December 22, 2017

Zen ~ Friday, 22 December 2017

If you catch a big fish 
swimming around a pool 
of water in your mind 

Nimbly swishing its tail 
trying to get away 
undetected from view 

Think hard and imagine 
what this fish does inside 
your mind all day hidden 

Undeniably deep 
in the dark recesses 
where your vision is blind 

In a spot no one sees 
if they don't know to look 
for a fish in a pool 

Take your peripheral 
vision for example 
there behind your left ear 


See as you drive behind 
your car driving quickly 
approaching at full speed 

Entering the other 
lane passing on your left 
perhaps someone you knew 

Classmates back in grade school 
when your teacher took roll 
but you were bedridden 

Only faking a cold 
while everyone else sat 
quietly in their chair 

Noticing every word 
their teacher spoke today 
for their exam at school 

Demanded their presence 
their utmost attention 
but you hid full of fear 


Venom lay in your heart 
since childhood when a snake 
bit you and made you bleed 

Instinct made you leap back 
at the sight of your blood 
running red down your leg 

Simply frightened by pain 
you began to withdraw 
from playing childhood games 

Intuition made pain 
an erroneous cause 
of your sudden despair 

Only a little boy 
pathologically filled 
with fright so much you beg 

Not only your mother 
but the fish in your mind 
to stay home with false claims 


Mr. Gabidar on Das Kapital ~ Friday, 22 December 2017

Who is Mr. Gabidar? The name mimics those of Monsieur Teste (Valéry), Pan Cogito (Herbert), and il signor Palomar (Calvino). Except in the sense that the name of Mr. Gabidar was derived simply from an idea developed called (perhaps erroneously) phonetic shift. An appropriation of a linguistics concept where consonants are paired as phonemes: b/p, d/t, f/v, g/k, l/r, m/n, s/z and the letters c, h, j, q, w, x may or may not find matches depending on the sounds they make.

So to unlock the meaning behind the name of Mr. Gabidar all one needs to do is shift the phonemes. G becomes K, b becomes p, d becomes t, and r becomes l, which spells a famous book by Karl Marx, Das Kapital. If I decide to use Taz as the first name of Mr. Gabidar, the idea is a complete enigma. 

Phonetic shift is one concept I developed to help hide the names of people I know in real life to disguise their name if not their identity in order to avoid libel. 

In the course of studying foreign languages and introductory linguistics, I came to learn language games useful in the art of writing poetry. Slant rhymes often derive from phonetic shift. 

Though Marx and communism are not concepts that Mr. Gabidar embodies unless only through the critique of capitalist culture in Western societies. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Daedalus ~ Wednesday, 20 December 2017

From blue skies, my son 
falls, fails to reach the other 
shore. Calmly, I watch. 

Buttfucked Up The Ass ~ Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Bitter disappointment 
my class left me behind 
graduates in Rapture 

Unless I either get 
to return and finish 
or move on with great debt 

Totally fucked with loans 
thankfully subsidized 
by taxpayer money 

Trash-talk about art school 
helps no one lift the flag 
others want to capture 

Flags show our allegiance 
solemn national pride 
as Big Brother buttfucks 

Us up the ass where else 
you might ask as logic 
defines the location 

Create publish perish 
our options as artists 
writers who imagine 

Killers as just humane 
helping society 
without couper la tĂŞte 

Exactly as old man 
Gabidar discusses 
drinking tea with honey 

Distinguished with his beard 
long past his neck peppered 
black under salt white strands 

Under no pretenses 
false or through deception 
does he lecture the flux 

Potential of art school 
writers on history 
ethics as vocation 

Teachers like Gabidar 
come one in a billion 
like a green aubergine 

How can I return now 
now that I have shouted 
Fuck You from the rooftop 

Each person admits guilt 
only if remorse fills 
their belly black with bile 

Artists fly past the nets 
of fishermen in Christ 
as writers we take stands 

Simply because others 
cannot or will not risk 
their lives for truth or slop 

Straight from the milk bucket 
to feed the pigs just so
they can die with a smile 


Escape Hatch ~ Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Disappointed by school 
the administrators 
who couldn't give a fuck 

if I learn how to write 
or remain unemployed 
except for part-time work 

seventy-five thousand 
dollars wasted on school 
on teachers who don't care 

as to whether or not 
I make it in this hell 
this system based on luck 

people watch as I fail 
never to try again 
but to ask what's the point 

people look away move on 
if it doesn't effect 
them no one else matters 

only they would never 
say that aloud present 
company excepted 

if I watch others fail 
fall through floorboards the cracks 
so wide a hotel clerk 

notices as he steps 
over the stage trapdoors 
straight to hell the nightmare 

totality dreamscape 
where they never escape 
the clients of the hotel 

enter the underworld 
without a clue that death 
so swift could disappoint 

disappointed students 
working towards a goal 
graduation shatters 


Mirror fiction romance 
where my doppelgänger 
succeeds is accepted 

in polite company 
where everyone crosses 
their t's and dots their i's 

reflected in image 
until I walk away 
from the lies of the past 

refracted light passes 
at an oblique angle 
through water to dispel 

order as a standard 
the bent ruler observed 
by Descartes as the noise 

reframed by our optics 
as illusions mistakes 
in our thoughts shadows cast 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

After Midnight ~ Tuesday, 19 December 2017

"After Midnight" Convenience Stores  

Open 8:30 PM - 4:30 AM
(Two 5-Hour Shifts for Late Night Staff:
7 PM - 12 AM / 12 AM - 5 AM)

Open after sunset and before sunrise in Chicago 

Separate Entrance and Exit Only Doors (3 Levels)

Armed Security throughout store 

Crash-proof pillars surround facade (Multi-level)

Cashier Area:

Impenetrable ~ 4 Layers Bulletproof Glass 

Two-Way Microphone and Speaker System 

Two registers against wall opposite front entrance but directly beside exit doors / Cashiers cannot see or speak to each other without leaving their stations

Inaccessible ~ Connects only to Hidden Accounting room behind entry doors behind each cash station

Cashiers never have access to main store area 

Six DIY Kiosks (Credit/Debit) before Cashier Area 

Main Store:

Steel Windows surround entrance and exit paths 

Store Lights only visible from entrance and exit paths 

Two Floating Managers during Store Hours


WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get 

GYSGTFO: Get Your Shit Get The Fuck Out

Store area locked, stocked & cleaned ~ 6 AM - 6 PM 

Special entrance to store for Day Grocers 

Day Grocers work Two 6-Hour Shifts
(6 AM - 12 PM / 12 PM - 6 PM)

Same entrance used for Armed Security Guards 

Camera and Mirror systems throughout Store Area 

Stock: Typical convenience store items 

No Music, No Smoking, No Drinking, No Loitering 

GYSGTFO: "Get your shit get the fuck out"

Monday, December 18, 2017

In Name Only ~ Monday, 18 December 2017

Ask and you shall receive 
what lies people offer 
even in my lifetime 

Really why does The School 
of the Art Institute 
of Chicago raise hope 

Nope don't tell your students 
you may have funds to give 
a poor student in need 

as the dean you should know 
writers write about crime 

Little sleep have you lost 
since your school forced me out 
too poor for tuition 

Despite the hopes you raised 
after our brief meeting 
nothing but dead flowers 


Jinxed from the start by false 
offers of assistance 
I took the chance to learn 

what's the point in art school 
I feel like such a dope 

Such a sucker to think 
I have a chance to make 
it as an artist bleed 

Eternal punishment 
on earth before hellfire 
consumes my wicked corpse 

Passionate flames devour 
the offal of organs 
lacking intuition 

How to beat the system 
where in America 
the great Satan devours 


As you Arnold Joseph 
dislike when others use 
your initials I turn 

Jackal among poets 
with intention abuse 
the AJ in your name 


Killing me would have been 
kinder than to set free 
a city coyote 

Enter the limbo state 
before graduation 
as SAIC warps 

Minds of art school students 
to believe in the chance 
to make it in this game 

Pleasure to meet and talk 
and dream but a moment 
to button my peyote 


Rapture ~ Monday, 18 December 2017

Aye! Congratulations! 
You are eligible 
to three months free with Glow! 

The fastest way to get 
yours is online. Visit:
to order it today.

Today is now! Never 
again will this offer 
come so cheap. Get Glow! Now! 

Aye! Congratulations! 
This offer won't repeat 
ever again. Get Glow! 

Congratulations! You 
just won a vacation 
for two to Timbuktu! 

Killer deal! Get Glow! Now! 
This offer won't repeat 
itself ever again. 


Killer deal! Enter now 
to win a trip for two 
to Timbuktu, Mali. 

Indeed! This killer deal 
won't be around for long. 
Get Glow! Now on eBay.

Long long long long long long 
long... Don't look this gift horse 
in the mouth! Get Glow! Now! 

Long long long long long long 
long in the tooth. This deal 
won't be around for long. 

Ever again! Ever 
again! Ever again! 
Get Glow! And Timbuktu! 

Repeat itself repeat 
itself repeat itself 
never ever again! 


Timbuktu! Now! Get Glow! 
Now! Before this deal ends.
Don't get trapped in Bali.

Oh my God! Volcano 
eruption in Bali! 
Don't die before this deal...

My God! My God! My God! 
Oh my God! The sky is 
burning. Is this Rapture? 

Aye! Congratulations! 
You won a one-way trip 
to Heaven! Don't wait long.

The fastest way to get 
to Heaven is to die. 
Don't miss out on this deal.

Oh my God! Volcano 
eruption. The sky is 
falling. Is this Rapture?