Thursday, December 14, 2017

Nothing Left Undone ~ Thursday, 14 December 2017


With so little to live 
for I make excuses 
as to why I survive 

I live while others die 
the luck of a coin toss 
but am I the winner 

No one can say who wins 
the coin toss but someone 
calls either heads or tails 

Do we fault the soldier 
who survives war unscathed 
or cheer he is alive 

Obituaries sing 
the praise of the fallen 
missing absent or dead 

Widows mourn their husbands 
if those men were worthy 
to celebrate with praise 


Silly to imagine 
a person unworthy 
of praise love or respect 

However long ago 
my father passed away 
I became a sinner 

Although I gave up God 
and the trappings of faith 
as a ship without sails 

Determined to find truth 
beyond belief in lies 
I gave up God for Lent 

Obviously my faith 
blind in the dark forest 
of childhood broke like bread 

Wonders they say never 
cease maybe this excuse 
is the best I can raise 


Maybe from a window 
I see in a meadow 
a shadow I detect 

Even if I become 
confused as an old man 
with my wits out of joint 

As God is my witness 
I have not sinned badly 
but I am not dead yet

Death offers me some time 
to choose my path to faith 
or tells me to get bent 

Original as death
may sound or trite to ears 
well-versed beyond this point 

Wax cannot melt away 
the years or even tears 
I lost crying upset 

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