Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Escape Hatch ~ Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Disappointed by school 
the administrators 
who couldn't give a fuck 

if I learn how to write 
or remain unemployed 
except for part-time work 

seventy-five thousand 
dollars wasted on school 
on teachers who don't care 

as to whether or not 
I make it in this hell 
this system based on luck 

people watch as I fail 
never to try again 
but to ask what's the point 

people look away move on 
if it doesn't effect 
them no one else matters 

only they would never 
say that aloud present 
company excepted 

if I watch others fail 
fall through floorboards the cracks 
so wide a hotel clerk 

notices as he steps 
over the stage trapdoors 
straight to hell the nightmare 

totality dreamscape 
where they never escape 
the clients of the hotel 

enter the underworld 
without a clue that death 
so swift could disappoint 

disappointed students 
working towards a goal 
graduation shatters 


Mirror fiction romance 
where my doppelgänger 
succeeds is accepted 

in polite company 
where everyone crosses 
their t's and dots their i's 

reflected in image 
until I walk away 
from the lies of the past 

refracted light passes 
at an oblique angle 
through water to dispel 

order as a standard 
the bent ruler observed 
by Descartes as the noise 

reframed by our optics 
as illusions mistakes 
in our thoughts shadows cast 

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