Saturday, December 2, 2017

Asterion Dreams ~ Saturday, 2 December 2017

At least, they bring children to play with me. Inside the darkness of the cave, silence pervades the vast network of underground tunnels through which I walk. Trapped like a white rat caught in an endless maze without reward or food. Eternity must feel similar to this hell, this prison where I crave relations with others, family, other children. My siblings whom I lost in a game where they hide and I seek to find them. I have no one to talk over how my day went, what I learn while at school, my tests for aptitude. No one but the silence, and echo its response. I do not like this game.

Dread hunger until death. The children came to play, opportunity cost relatively well-known. Who could not have foreseen these terrible events? Electricity fills the room with eyes open wide, trying hard to see. Anxiety rises, as a cacophony of voices become dense. Mirror sounds bounce off walls as echoes multiply and children try to flee. Sounds dissipate, gurgle, until the cave achieves stillness, all in my name.

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