Monday, December 18, 2017

In Name Only ~ Monday, 18 December 2017

Ask and you shall receive 
what lies people offer 
even in my lifetime 

Really why does The School 
of the Art Institute 
of Chicago raise hope 

Nope don't tell your students 
you may have funds to give 
a poor student in need 

as the dean you should know 
writers write about crime 

Little sleep have you lost 
since your school forced me out 
too poor for tuition 

Despite the hopes you raised 
after our brief meeting 
nothing but dead flowers 


Jinxed from the start by false 
offers of assistance 
I took the chance to learn 

what's the point in art school 
I feel like such a dope 

Such a sucker to think 
I have a chance to make 
it as an artist bleed 

Eternal punishment 
on earth before hellfire 
consumes my wicked corpse 

Passionate flames devour 
the offal of organs 
lacking intuition 

How to beat the system 
where in America 
the great Satan devours 


As you Arnold Joseph 
dislike when others use 
your initials I turn 

Jackal among poets 
with intention abuse 
the AJ in your name 


Killing me would have been 
kinder than to set free 
a city coyote 

Enter the limbo state 
before graduation 
as SAIC warps 

Minds of art school students 
to believe in the chance 
to make it in this game 

Pleasure to meet and talk 
and dream but a moment 
to button my peyote 


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