Saturday, April 28, 2018

Golf ~ Saturday, 28 April 2018

Fuck the establishment
it's time the men in suits
got the boot to prevent

Unwanted tooth decay
to floss away matter
in the gaps may save time

Climate change is a fact
but what it means varies
from person to person

Killers in our Congress
sink a bill they dislike
as if they represent

Their constituency
we the people don't give
a fuck when they don't work

How is it they expect
to get paid for nothing
no effort zilch to show

Each citizen voter
what they do to perform
in our interests their task

Everyone in their homes
who care demand to see
their voting record crimes

Solved by detectives seem
more likely than the suits
solving certain problems

Trusted officials take
decades to recognize
problems even exist

As denial is built-in
hardwired in their circuits
they only see the perks

Buttered English muffins
a fresh pot of coffee
and watching the grass grow

Links made before noon hit
a bucket at the range
their deals if you should ask

Indeed take place right here
on the greens or at hole
nineteen should skies worsen

Should lightning and thunder
appear out of nowhere
Utopia with storms

Horns blast a tornado
alert all they can do
is drink and wait the twist

Mainly in martinis
made with gin or vodka
comes with chasing skirt hems

Even women in suits
get in on the action
which sets off no alarms

Nobody seems to care
this innocuous sport
offers the suits their share

To have of cake and eat
the spoils of bourgeois life
booty with time to spare

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