Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cockermouth ~ Wednesday, 11 March 2020

"The world is too much with us; late and soon," 
~ William Wordsworth 

The fact one listens to poets, 
however bold their view, while their visions 
elicit a warning soon forgotten, 

wicked old Wordsworth had his say, regrets 
ordinary mortals seek to absolve, 
reason and logic predict decisions, 
lift the sanctions against business, pretend 
deeds done do not affect our influence, 

if we think for ourselves can we resolve, 
scientifically, climate change, the fence 

to keep out illegal immigrants, keeps 
out freedom and liberty to travel 
on this planet as God intended, when 

men and women decide how animals 
understand politics above their needs, 
canny creatures build tunnels past borders, 
however intelligent we appear, 

wily foxes burrow deep, a bear sleeps 
in a cave, under a tree, we may fell 
to build a home, a forest near a glen, 
humbled by human instinct to hide, falls 

under tooth and blade of longsaws, orders 
sent to destroy only what we need, lost, 

light as feathers in the wind, we may fear 
aspects of ourselves in others, God bleeds 
to watch our self-preservation, he cast 
everyone out of Eden; Adam, Eve, 

and the serpent itself, into desert, 
no more gardens, now barren lands, to search 
desiccated landscapes for food, receive 

service on how to dwell and hunt, forage 
over hundreds of miles of dust and dirt, 
only before a stream, we build a church, 
nothing more than tree branches, and a bridge...

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