Monday, March 16, 2020

Observable Multiverses ~ Monday, 16 March 2020

Linear time appears an illusion, 
if all events exist before Planck time, 
not a moment sooner, the Planck epoch, 
entering cosmic time we see events 
as linear progressions of presence, 
reality plays out as past, present...

the future approaches the horizon 
in tangential parallel lines that curve 
mathematically with gravitation, 
elapsed in less than a second, the force 

appears unified with gravitation, 
pretend the past remains as memory, 
pretend this moment, here/now, as endless, 
eternal in all directions, but time 
appears in just three instantiations, 
right, left and center, time passes in waves, 
simple explanations for simple minds, 

as people in time, we perceive ourselves 
no better than ghosts of centuries past, 

if to extend the metaphor of ghosts 
leaves us feeling transparent even now, 
leave no stone unturned, search until you find 
understanding of the big picture, eyes 
see what the mind cannot concede, a stick 
in the water is bent, but straight in air, 
of course, spacetime bends, as well, perceptions 
never cease to need clarification. 

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