Saturday, March 28, 2020

Des banalités insatiables ~ Saturday, 28 March 2020

Insatiable banalities ignore 
neither formalities nor voracious 
sexual appetites, they delight in 
apéritifs before, digestifs after 
tormenting their offspring with fine dining, 
inglorious in their nature abhors 
a vacuum, horror, horror vacui
blameless in their lack of shame and honor, 
limitless in their depravity for 
endless war, forever invincible. 

Banalities satisfy their hunger 
accusing each other of ravenous 
nevermores, customs and conventions 
attended to by negligent parents, 
latchkey kids left alone at home observe 
insatiable banalities abroad 
teasing prostitutes with money galore, 
invested in uncovering the past 
ergonomic children manage their chores, 
sustain a house of cards served by murder. 

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