Monday, March 23, 2020

Essay ~ Monday, 23 March 2020

"Is there any knowledge of things unseen, or not?" ~ Peter Abelard 

The history of science brings to light 
how things unseen in the past are now seen, 
electron microscopes and telescopes 

have allowed us to see objects that were 
invisible to the unaided eye, 
science shows us what we cannot see now, 
technology lets us view the future 
ordinary people lacked in vision, 
resourceful as they were in sciences, 
yesterday's giants built on their shoulders, 

only today, we are still in the dark, 
foraging in a forest lacking growth, 

science reveals one fault, neglectfulness, 
created by centuries of constant 
inconsiderate acts, small but mighty, 
ethics seems absurd on such a grand scale, 
nothing we didn't know right from the start, 
conditions for exploitation occur 
even in the worst of circumstances, 

bring us knowledge of hidden potential, 
remind us we are protectors of earth 
in our acceptance of co-existence, 
no one species dominates our domain, 
given we let equality take place, 
servants to a higher understanding, 

trust the future will let us make amends, 
only sincere and heartfelt gestures bring 

light to those still lost in the cold and dark 
isolation of self-imposed prisons, 
granted we have the key to unlock time, 
history gives us more than perspective 
to work out the horns of our dilemma. 

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