Saturday, January 29, 2022

Remembrance Day ~ Thursday, January 27, 2022

The past is as definitive as smoke
horror of horrors, we wake up to hear
elegies for the dearly departed

particles float like snow like dust, ashes
ashes, we all fall down, children sing songs
simple nursery rhymes from Mother Goose
tragedy after tragedy, the well

is poisoned, yet we all still drink from it
smoke rises in billows from factories

accept the fact, this is no factory
still we drink the poisoned water, cooler

despite the cold outside, despite the snow
eventually, ashes return to dust
from organic matter to stellar light
instruments of torture, murder and rape
notable for honor, prestige, respect
integrity as meaningless as dust
tribute to the martyrs of resistance
insulted, ignominious in name
vestiges of the past, long gone, deceased
even as we speak, forgetfulness lurks

auto-da-fé, act of the faith, believe
sickness is inherent, transmissible

straight from the top down to the lower rungs
monsters inhabit imagination
orders obey a clear chain of command
killing time, an ontological fact
ephemeral as smoke, never forget

Thursday, January 27, 2022

To Share the Sky as Blue ~ Thursday, January 27, 2022

It is not that we are not already full of enlightenment, we are

The trouble comes from how we decided to act as if we do not know

In the grand scheme of things, from an omniscient point of view, we know it all

Somehow we let ourselves be hoodwinked by our minds, our own minds chose the sky

Now it is a well-known metaphor that the sky is not unlike the mind

Of course, we see the sky but it is not really there much like our own minds

To this we attribute the notion of our thoughts to passing clouds above

These clouds, clearly, we see as we know our own thoughts, we write them down as words

However, images are also thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions

Art in various forms manifests our own thoughts as singular visions

To say art is beauty is to accept the real as transformed by the mind

We know when we focus our concentration on thoughts, feelings, emotions

Exactly here is mind as a vessel contains the contents within it

As imperceptible as the sky we believe is blue in the daylight

Reality slips through our fingers and our grasp as we try to grab it

Enter the stream of thought, it is ephemeral, fleeting, passing beneath

Nothing is as it seems and yet what we believe is real slips from our grasp

Only time remains still, the clocks push time forward but time itself sits still

Time is but a construct as we envision it, we are late or early

As we conceive all time, we manifest a God as divine in vision

Language says to not say or write God but YHWH or G-d or adonai

Really, words are constructs with values equal to their use by a speaker

Exactly when did we say this way is not the way to speak, let's speak like this

And in this way, we let language divide people into categories

Divisions separate people from each other to share the sky as blue

Yet, we know the sky is imaginary space, not unlike a blue dome

Forget that we forgot we are all already enlightened in our minds

Understanding conceives what is given as real, what is true we believe

Life is what we believe is real, what is given within phenomena

Listen to the wind speak, it does not speak in words, yet it howls and whistles

Other phenomena, such as catastrophes define our survival

For our struggles make us stronger within our minds, yet this is illusion

Enlightenment exists as an idea handed down for generations

Nothing but stories show that anyone has been awakened beyond doubt

Light is either photons, a lack of gravity, or a clear sense of play

If one is to hazard what is at play, call it what you may, the blue sky

God was once considered having blue-colored skin, an avatar of god

How God and god and G-d differ is but a game, none of it may exist

Though we believe it true, this delusion of mind, but first what is the mind

Entertaining as thoughts digress along a slope slide towards the bottom

Nothing is for certain but what we know is true, truth is what we believe

Maybe art is better to discuss these matters as words get in the way

Even to use logic, premises, conclusions, a syllogism states

Nothing is for certain, what is certain is true, therefore nothing is true

Though valid but not sound, an argument sits still full of concentration

We meditate on breath not thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, these hide truth

Enlightenment inside us as we meditate, as we sit still, let be

As body and mind drop away, we become scared, hide within our egos

Relax and let the waves subside within the mind, all there is is this breath

Everything becomes light, full of light and playful, pouring God into God

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Resiliency ~ Wednesday, January 26, 2022

After a month, the pain subsides, absence
for all intents and purposes, becomes
the norm, the commonplace, the actual
eclipses the sun, darkness envelopes light
rest in this realm of forgetfulness, sleep.

A month ago, stillness, empty of life.

Month after month, memory decreases
only the shock to the system remains
muscles lose touch with that proximity
time engenders questions insoluble
heat the room in winter, in summer, cool

Tranquility hides around blind corners
haunted by ghosts, peripheral vision
expectations heightened, yet unresolved

Pressure to get back to normal pushes
against the poetic experience
intestinal felt-sense, gestalt, the guts
notice hormones missing, invisible

Sensory perceptions resume functions
under these conditions, the rain, the snow
blizzards collect black ice to deliver
slippery roads, pavements, rooftops, salty
ice lowers the melting point of water
decreases the rate of attachment, charged
energized hydrated ions thaws ice
sodium chloride, calcium chloride

Applied to liquid surfaces, puddles
below the temperature of ice allow
soluble activity to occur
engaged as a catalyst to convert
needless suffering from loss into strength
compassion for others in their sorrow
eclipses return as phenomena

The List Goes On and On ~ Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Bet. Put the pedal to the metal, dope
educate the masses, dix mages agitent
tranquillité, bet your bottom dollar

Pulse feels for the trigger, finger pulls back
undulating shock waves, a tsunami
throws us under the bus, puzzling gaps

The story creates holes to fill in lines
how many holes it takes to fill the hall
enter Albert having to count them all

Pedal our bikes uphill, past Newland House
enchanted by vinyl, Camel Records
dappled as we depress to decompress
as we ride into the sunset, the pier
left us hanging over the edge for years

Together we discovered treble clefs
old man Otey saw right through our thin skins

Today we read his obituary
how he lived to escape the boredom, beat
each drum in unison until we drop

Metalheads, hippies, mods, rockers, skinheads
enter the gates, never to leave the mind
tala ardha jaital, first raga, live
access the mind of imagination
leave the world a better place than we had

Duped by philosophy and rhetoric
ontology, ethics, metaphysics
politics, economics, poetics,
epistemology and aesthetics

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

In Memoriam ~ Tuesday, January 25, 2022

If I should leave this world without saying goodbye,
forget the past, full of grudges, mistakes

If I don't say, "I love you" know I do

Should our years apart delay memories
haunted by old friends now missing or gone
obviously, we have little time left
under the circumstances, I must say
left to our own devices, we find God
demonstrated by the absence of friends

Leave this world and go where, heaven or hell
eventually, the metaphors fall flat
as conceits for the Afterlife, we see
virtual reality through goggles
eclipses medieval reality

This world of friends, we grew up together
hidden character flaws may hold us back
in accomplishing goals, yet we're still friends
stuck in a slice of time simply our own

Worlds within worlds, the imagination
of fanciful ideas, treasure troves lost,
reason pushed aside, logic in the lurch
left alone in a bed called a gurney
dying in solitude, beyond this room

Wondrous ideas play golf, surf swelling waves,
insane men and women fly to the moon,
to space with telescopes to photograph
honor bright, the universe thus observed
old ideas make way for the newest plans
underway since the dawn of consciousness
trouble is, we're not here to see them through

Saying goodbye is final, I'll just say
adieu, à bientôt, see you later,
yesterday, we played football on the pitch
instead of a rematch, we must forfeit
noble activity for a service
given in memory of our keeper

Granted, I don't know what comes after this
only the uncertain are most certain,
order the universe how you so choose,
demons and angels, the devil and God,
break bread while we still can to make our peace
yes, I love you dear friends, now here, now gone
ever-present in mind, deep in my heart.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Bare Trees, Hard Miles, Snowfall ~ Monday, January 24, 2022

The cold air is full of zeros not ones
heat lacking to switch on the binary
energy in the wind, my hands go numb

Chicago by the lake, along the trail
owl, ancient and snowy, watches me run
long, hard miles in winter, as coyotes
dance to stay warm, opossums race in fear

Angles not angels watch over my pace
in gusts over pockets called wind tunnels
run on forefoot to push forward in strength

Is the flying squirrel heavy enough
stones eight to nine weigh it down bodily

Forget everything about enjoying
ugliness as opposite to beauty
let all pre-conceived ideas in my head
leave to encounter the wilderness song

Obliged not to wear headphones as others
forge ahead into mediocrity

Zeros don't know professional trainers
even if the money were fluid gold
reality at fifty-two years old
orders the universe with greater care
suck it up the podium is not mine

No first, second, third: gold, silver, bronze, I
observe with a context and perspective
thrown aside for glory by young runners

Ones and zeros, zeros and ones, the cold
not only is exhilarating but
even allows for bragging rights for some
sitting pretty in a Half-marathon

Helter Skelter ~ Monday, January 24, 2022

Bet. Am I beat. I think I need a drink
even-steven down to the wire, I drown
the sea in cosmic dust, iron to rust

Answer to the sign of Cancer, the Crab
muscles hidden beneath its shell, I feel

I can't get through this hell, I stab

blisters on my fingers, Rings of Saturn
entirely ice crystals, time conflated
a bald lie, Krónos, a Soviet scythe
the goddess from sea foam, a father bleeds

I fell asleep and dreamt of streams and fish

think hard, what is life all about, the Bard
hears words spoken, inspiration, a play
inside a play, Don Juan in Hell, I slay
notions insignificant as potions
kept inside the medicine cabinet

I woke up with a start, I heard some words

normally, I'd be late for work but fleet
eat and run, on the run, inside my car
emperor of mediocrity, roar
den of thieves, Daniel cares for a lion

absence makes the heart grow fonder, nonsense

drink the ocean, salt water, Seven Seas
religion bonds ions with chemistry
inch my way back to bed, hay and horses
nothing but clip-clop, clip-clop in my head
kiss the cruel world goodbye, such is my bliss

Monday, January 17, 2022

Wunna B Playa del Rey ~ Monday, January 17, 2022

Cohesion inches toward harmony
Obverse to one-eyed jacks, reverse of trust
Held together until things fall apart
Eventually, cards bow out artfully
Scions of greed, play for keeps, not for fun
Inverted in mirrors, unseats the cast
On horses, Playas pony up, abort
Nonsense games, gamblers win, place or show, bet

Inch by inch the falcon widens its fan
Negligence allows for more and more slack
Cohesion chosen by disharmony
Hubris pushin' P passing a bad check
Exultant paper, Spiritus Mundi
Sergio in beaches, Playas at bat

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Myth of the Starving Artist ~ Sunday, January 16, 2022

The myth of the starving artist is real

Humans suffer for no other reason

Enter the realm of faith where hope believes

Myths in themselves explain phenomena

Yet, when we give names to ideas, we hide

The truth behind a veil of dark corners

Haunted by past events, always present

Open to time as an oracle speaks

Fortune slips out of the sieve leaving gold

This gold is neither fool's gold nor real gold

Humble artists accept practice as work

Even if they never get paid a dime

Starving, doing other menial jobs

The artist returns to her task at hand

Artists craft the sensory world through eyes

Riddled by invention, where what is real

Verily is simply a composite

Ideas as categories create blocks

Now how we use those blocks, to build great walls

Get in the way of seeing past ideas

Art is a process of discovery

Remember the navigators who sailed

The seas around dark corners, the hidden

If what they discover is the beyond

Still, they encounter other people, worlds

The goal, to circumnavigate the globe

In this ultimate achievement, we dance

Swing all night long and collapse on the floor

Remember, we are as starving artists

Every day hungry for experience

Art is born of ashes and dust from bones

Let the dead protect us as ancestors

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Wandering Jew ~ Saturday, January 15, 2022

Thoughtfulness is not my forte somehow

How I lost the ability to care

Or foresee and predict expectations

Understanding the needs others may have

Given desire to connect and be loved

Haunts our very existence like sorrow

To witness the suffering of others

Forget the reasons why I lost the knack

Until I get it back, I won't be whole

Living like a ghoul, concerned with my needs

Not concerned with other's aspirations

Eventually, it all runs out of gas

Systems fail to protect our basic needs

Somehow I became someone I don't know

In winter, you see it, thoughtfulness cares

Slaps me in the face every time I see

Nice people putting up a Christmas tree

Only I think about trees and the earth

Trust in the path set out before we came

My ability to become thoughtful

Yet requires a great leap forward in faith

Faith is not my forte, I am but lost

Of fortitude and strength, act courageous

Remember others will remember us

To say, to think, to act, all this is judged

Even on earth, our actions mean the world

Somehow I became a monster, a troll

Or some other kind of mythical beast

Maybe it was just a habit I lost

Eventually, I could get it back, no

How could I be so stupid as to lose

Our humanity to care for others

Would that I had the discipline to grow

Superconductivity ~ Saturday, January 15, 2022

We start with a question, as if there's a problem; we notice something's wrong.

Even the slightest shift in the continuum; we notice something strange.

Strangeness gets in the way; if a leaf, it's nothing; if a person, we shift.

To transform the nature of a problem, language; we call it something else.

As if regulations, surveillance by the state, and laws make things better.

Resolve to start again, as if the problem weren't, weren't a problem, that is.

To judge with perspective whether something is wrong, depends on the context.

Words get in the way, yet create categories to pigeonhole defects.

In this world we create out of anomalies, systems to recover.

To understand the myths within our own culture, we must step back to see.

However, one step back does not entail two steps forward but the reverse.

As we defend progress, one step forward, two steps back, we see a pattern.

Questions do not imply a given solution but one of convenience.

Until we imagine what it must be like for a person in their place.

Even the best people cannot judge a person without seeing their past.

Sliding down into hell on earth, oblivion, nobody notices.

To ignore a problem is much worse than to see choices for what they are.

In decision-making, we may choose right from wrong to succeed in our goals.

Of course, some of us make bad decisions over and over until dust.

No one can recover what was lost or taken, manifest destiny.

As someone from outside the cultural givens, I come to bear witness.

Still, I do not know why we act the way we do for I am not Buddha.

In this world, the problems accumulate like books stacked in a library.

Find a book out of place, it has a location; it is not but should be.

To say people are like books in a library, a simplification.

However, to displease creates the conditions for a need to control.

Enter the state to serve, to offer aid, protect its own vested interests.

Religion, organized or otherwise is no better solving problems.

Each individual has inherent and inalienable rights.

Seek for others as self for the most wretched dog is better than a prince.

As we see a problem does the other see it as well in her strangeness?

Perhaps our empathy is lacking character, lacking integrity.

Royalty is not held fully accountable for their bad decisions.

Of course, "above the law" is created by them and handed down to us.

Be that as it may, still we suffer in kind from this type of legacy.

Let people in power face the consequences of their actions as we do.

Entitlement, privilege, discrimination, lies, hatred and bigotry.

Must we not face the facts of shameful legacies handed down like old clothes?

We may twiddle our thumbs by suspending judgment as the Greeks before us.

Even skepticism has its place on the shelves of local libraries.

Now to discuss the poor as a problem versus the wealthy, full of power.

Of course, the problem is not the poor or wealthy but opportunities.

To receive a handout creates the conditions for sheer dependency.

If, however, the need is immediate, now is the time to act just.

Create the conditions to justify actions, to right wrongs presented.

Enable a hand up, assistance to help climb up ladders, not descend.

Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong.

Of course, to state six times "something's wrong" (now seven) is not mere rhetoric.

Murder is a problem in Chicago, we know from history as place.

Enter geography as more than simply maps but as dialectic.

Travel the world in time and witness all places to uncover the truth.

Honor and dignity have no place in our world, why, I have no reason.

If I venture to guess, to speculate on myth, we live in dismal times.

Not that this is the truth from a bygone era but belief in the gods.

God is our delusion or belief based on faith, no problem but a game.

Some will die in the name of God for religion and belief, full of faith.

Witness a shift in thought from self to the other, from strangeness to the soul.

Reciprocal meetings of the mind, we witness when we overcome lies.

Our dependency on gratification of immaterial needs.

Necessitates a shift to seeing other's needs before our own excess.

Grace comes from the hidden, lost deep within shadows, we find our worth, not wealth.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Once in a Lifetime: The Gift of Friendship ~ Friday, January 14, 2022

This will never happen again, you see

Happiness in the midst of my sorrow

If I say no excuses for my actions

Still, if I could learn from my mistakes this time

When I say this will never happen, tears

If I could have cloned my cat, I would have

Let moralists worry about ethics

Let me turn back the clock and start over

Nothing lasts forever, everything dies

Everything else survives, continues on

Verdict: Karma is a bitch in this life

Every day, I feel her absence, shadows

Remember, fourteen years for a cat, death

How I was once so lucky, illusions

After she passed, I grieved for all my dead

Perhaps my mother is next, will she croak

Perhaps we'll have to go visit before

Even if I died, I couldn't care less

No, for some reason, I continue on

A moment in time only comes this once

Grace for my stupidity and mistakes

As I will never see my cat again

In this world, sorrow mollifies the pain

Not that it is better to suffer grief

Yesterday, I received a tortoiseshell

Only yesterday was fourteen years back

Ugly verses such as these don't compare

Shadows move in the corners of my eyes

Expectations rarely disappear, mind

Even if I believed, I'd still be sunk

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Have a Nice Day ~ Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Handing me the remains of my dead cat,
as I was about to leave, she then says,
veritably clueless, "Have a nice day!"
even the cold sunshine bristles in shock.

After I left the vet, I was confused.

Numb, the rest of the world went on its way,
if I felt badly, the problem was mine,
creative solutions to grief itself
express a need to embrace the process.

Denial, anger, depression, acceptance
and making deals with the devil, science,
yes, to clone a dead cat as bargaining.

Handle the situation as need be,
affect distortion in an employee
very well may not appear visible
every moment but at times of distress.

Anyone knows, stress comes with the job, no?

Now the first time I met this young woman
in the vestibule to the vet clinic,
clearly, she did not hear me say, "Deceased"
even though, I explained my cat was dead.

Died earlier that day or night before,
as I slept exhausted from holidays,
Yuletide celebrations in the suburbs.

How could I have made the situation
a little less out of control for us?
Vision requires the foresight and hindsight
even in the worst of circumstances,

An ability to see beyond time.

No one has this talent except the few,
in this case, once she realized my cat
could not possibly need an appointment,
exactly as the sign on the window

Declared, no new appointments to be seen,
and I just wanted to drop off my cat,
yes, my tortoiseshell cat to say goodbye.

Hunger can exacerbate emotions,
as I was hungry, obviously sad,
victim or survivor of a grand hoax,
even as the earth spun on its axis.

A young woman makes a bad decision.

Not that this is the first time, as we know,
in this world, people are just who they are,
certainly, they do not change overnight,
even a fortnight later, she's the same.

Day in and day out, dementia destroys,
as cognitive abilities subside,
yet, to yell at a customer in grief?

How we have no rites and no rituals
as modern day human beings for grief,
vast empires come and go, yet our feelings,
emotions and cognitions become stuck.

As the flow of energy is not clear.

Nothing but obstacles get in the way,
in the arteries and veins, a blockage
could mean the end of a life for someone,
energy acts in a similar way.

Dancing between two strangers is a flow,
attracting or repelling each other,
yet, magnetism is not the answer.

How this all began, fourteen years ago,
as Dr. Wake bullied me to abort
virtually six innocent kittens,
even my tortoiseshell knew this was bad.

A bad decision, I had to live with.

No one else faces the karma we make
in actions lacking the clear-mindedness
cutting through the needless trauma of pain
everyone creates with expectations.

Death is the end of a chapter, the book
as of yet unwritten, work in progress,
yesterday, I had a cat, now she's gone.

A Spear of Summer Grass ~ Tuesday, January 11, 2022

I remember nothing

circumspect about words,
exuberant cold air
lashes my face running,
exhilarating joy
berates my memories,
rummages my garden,
asks me about the past,
treading lightly on faults,
enlisting criminals,

murderers and rapists,
yesterday's least wanted
single, young bachelors,
elegant in orange,
lifting up my coffin,
forgotten by my friends.

Answer me: why letters? Long ago,
not even a phone call could salvage,
dismal memories of my failure.

What happened when you left for summer,
how did my omission set the house
ablaze so you would never again
talk to me as a friend, confident

I could never betray my standing.

As you understand, fidelity
slips out of the grasp of teenagers
slightly too self-centered to notice
undermining a friendship takes one
mistake by one of the two parties
eclipsing the sun with a full moon.

Yesterday was so long ago, now,
only mistakes never go away,
understanding is like a disease.

Shudder to think, I could not foresee
hell on earth as my future, funny,
as I slid down the slide faster than
lightning, as if all planned in advance,
lest I misunderstand the lesson.

Ask me why did I forget to write,
summer comes only once in a year,
seeing your friendship could not endure
until we met again in the fall,
my spirit lept at the chance to ride
each wave bodysurfing in the sun.

Forged in the smithy of my soul comes a love for water,
only now, you won't remember our days, so long ago,
relaxing in the dry sunshine, no one had it better.

Elongated on a beach towel, the salt glistens your skin,
vengeance is mine and recompense but in reverse, you see
everyone that I ever met I'm forced to make amends,
relatives and family alike but no one really cares,
yesterday remains yesterday, no sorry excuses.

Actions speak louder, as they say, but words get the job done,
tomorrow remains tomorrow, horizon at sunset,
off the pier you get the best view before the hotels came,
mostly nickel and dime places that ruin aesthetics.

Broken from years of wondering what I did wrong, decades
eventually catch up with me, I think too much, they say,
lucky me, I'm methodical, a slow thinker with wit,
only no one cares for satire, I was no one to you,
nothingness remains nothingness, sorrow grips the guts clean,
gutted like a dead mackerel, innards back to the sea,
if anything, I was lucky I didn't marry you,
not you, but someone just like you, but it didn't last long,
given I'm prone to make mistakes while on my back, supine.

Today remains today, as well, the present never stops,
only blows up like a balloon over the length of time.

Murder me, I wish you would have, this life not worth living,
even if I were successful and rich, up to my gills.

As you gutted me then and now I'm left to hook for bait,
suckers like me you string along to follow your orders.

Goodness knows the world is filled with horrible dames like you,
only no one's entirely good or bad, a mixed bag
of sweet and sour gummy bears, worms, colas, et cetera,
dumb as I was, I accepted your friendship and its loss.

Bitter as an adult trying to make sense of people,
every day, I look back and think, wonder what I did wrong,
let the sunshine go to my head and enjoy the summer,
only you were somewhere out east, all lonely for a friend,
nobody thinks I remember those days as well as that,
granted, I was fifteen years old and you were seventeen,
still, I remember that summer like it was yesterday.

Tough break kid, it's time to move on and find some other fish,
only you gutted me, cleaned me out into the ocean.

Yesterday remains yesterday, outside of the balloon,
only, no one understands time, is it not an arrow
under the pressure of the string, bent, pulled back to release?

I am nobody's sucker

left like a pigeon frozen
on top of a beam above
as I go to fetch mushrooms
from the last minute produce
even picking up spinach,

as I feel the need to cook
not as an adult but damn,
damn, damn, as a child fixes

insight into games of past,
nothing remaining nothing,
vision limited by scope,
indeed, you scooped out my soul
tossing it into the sea,
engrossed in your own shadows,

maybe, I was wrong to trust
your soul, a cutthroat like me,

suckers surrender to dust,
of time and mirrors and death,
until ashes, bones and smoke
linger to become an urn.

I know you may actually, if I'm right, one day read poetry,

leave this drivel for the dogs, as you know, I write for nobody,
enter the fruit of the vine, tomatoes and a knife to make sauce,
and so, I cook what I know enticing no one but angry cunts,
no one sits down on a chair, suffering from years of prison life

and wait and watch the world pass, observant as bird dogs hunting game,
not that I have a shred of evidence of life in prison, no,
did I not say I am not perfectly at ease here outside there,

life is not quite as I planned, however I am still alive, no,
or not, I died a while back albeit as of now reports come
as if I am a real mensch existing as a star among stars,
for you to choose not to speak nevermind the fact that stellar light
ends here, on earth, in your eyes, natural as a child crying tears,

and yet, I dare to write in Whitmanesque tones of style after Walt,
to say it comes as a guide, emptiness, as a form filling space,

my brain warps speed in space-time, haltingly, an old man, slothful thoughts,
yet try as I would so dream, publishing is but an error, no

est-il mon fils que je vois, demoiselle, ces mots de sagesse, non
à la même fois de ma vie, suspirant, quand je dis « regarde-toi »
si je ne parle pas toute suite, difficile pour un homme, vieux, triste
et à la fin d'un long rêve, fatigué, quand l'homme reste toujours mort

O God, I know I did wrong, addressing the past as Janus sees
but as a man lost in thought, embarking on a long journey, lost
still all I hear in my ears, deafening, a word not spoken, truth
ease me in life at the edge, precipice of the known kingdom, come
real life waits not for no one, hungrily, the hordes take, devour all
vim gone, long gone, as I try, everyday, to wake up, enjoy life
if I am stuck in a rut, suffering, please guide me away, God
now if I could in good faith, believing, speak these words, kingdom come
gone is my youth as I watch co-workers act as if nothing ends

as if their youth as of now, eternal, in the eyes, witness, light

sit down and rest, as you breathe, abolish chance with dice, never-more,
push and push and push and push, consciousness, a thread in copper fine
eats all the food in one gulp, bitterly, as a gull swallows fish
ask me why I did not write, exchanging, as friends do, letters, love
read as I tell of sweet lies, aspiring, as I write fiction, no

O God, I let my soul down, entangled, as my dreams collide, trains
forge a clear path on the rails, incessant, a bolt of dying light

sun swims as stars in the sky, bodysurf, the sea spray, Kronos kills
up high, I see in the dark, emptiness, a sight for ancient eyes
may we one day find the peace, agreement, to let go, errors, faults
might I write down on the page, prescient of my death, harbor pass
edge right up, see on the ground, weightlessness, as I float, buoyant, light
rest with my eyes on the prize, returning a lost coat, finding hope

grant me a page, just a page, remember, I paint words, concrete slabs
rid the earth of hate and war, jubilant, I seek peace within bliss
ask me why I did not write, arrogance, a spear of summer grass
sigh at my words like a child, stupefied on drugs or stellar light
seek not to change the wronged past, witnessing an act of kindness grows.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Logistics of Transporting Shadows ~ Saturday, January 8, 2022

Either a problem is insoluble,

indissoluble as ducks in water

that float and fly away, or like friendship

holding onto the past that slips away

energetically under the current,

rivers flow backwards to forwards in time

as the sludge of memory dredges muck.

Proceed with caution to a solution,

reality check at the door, ego

or self-serving nature, welcome spirit,

brothers and sisters all on the same page

letting the anger loose, get mad with pride,

engage with stupidity with reserve,

mention the error of our ways and lose.

Is it just me or are there strange forces

shimmering like gemstones on old armor?

Invent a new way to experiment,

needless bickering and elephant talk

solves nothing for a steam locomotive

on its way with a payload, the future

lightning fast as a bullet train, high-speed

undercurrents of electricity

bursting across empty stretches, regions

lost to urban sprawl and suburban dreams,

elegant as a geometric proof.