Monday, January 24, 2022

Helter Skelter ~ Monday, January 24, 2022

Bet. Am I beat. I think I need a drink
even-steven down to the wire, I drown
the sea in cosmic dust, iron to rust

Answer to the sign of Cancer, the Crab
muscles hidden beneath its shell, I feel

I can't get through this hell, I stab

blisters on my fingers, Rings of Saturn
entirely ice crystals, time conflated
a bald lie, Krónos, a Soviet scythe
the goddess from sea foam, a father bleeds

I fell asleep and dreamt of streams and fish

think hard, what is life all about, the Bard
hears words spoken, inspiration, a play
inside a play, Don Juan in Hell, I slay
notions insignificant as potions
kept inside the medicine cabinet

I woke up with a start, I heard some words

normally, I'd be late for work but fleet
eat and run, on the run, inside my car
emperor of mediocrity, roar
den of thieves, Daniel cares for a lion

absence makes the heart grow fonder, nonsense

drink the ocean, salt water, Seven Seas
religion bonds ions with chemistry
inch my way back to bed, hay and horses
nothing but clip-clop, clip-clop in my head
kiss the cruel world goodbye, such is my bliss

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