Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Resiliency ~ Wednesday, January 26, 2022

After a month, the pain subsides, absence
for all intents and purposes, becomes
the norm, the commonplace, the actual
eclipses the sun, darkness envelopes light
rest in this realm of forgetfulness, sleep.

A month ago, stillness, empty of life.

Month after month, memory decreases
only the shock to the system remains
muscles lose touch with that proximity
time engenders questions insoluble
heat the room in winter, in summer, cool

Tranquility hides around blind corners
haunted by ghosts, peripheral vision
expectations heightened, yet unresolved

Pressure to get back to normal pushes
against the poetic experience
intestinal felt-sense, gestalt, the guts
notice hormones missing, invisible

Sensory perceptions resume functions
under these conditions, the rain, the snow
blizzards collect black ice to deliver
slippery roads, pavements, rooftops, salty
ice lowers the melting point of water
decreases the rate of attachment, charged
energized hydrated ions thaws ice
sodium chloride, calcium chloride

Applied to liquid surfaces, puddles
below the temperature of ice allow
soluble activity to occur
engaged as a catalyst to convert
needless suffering from loss into strength
compassion for others in their sorrow
eclipses return as phenomena

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