Saturday, January 8, 2022

Galactic Shuffle ~ Saturday, January 8, 2022

After I die who will help you to laugh?

Frankly, I ask, for no one sees beyond

this world of insolence we must endure;

even though, I am but a broken shell,

rest assured, the cosmos feeds a deaf child.

I may not be able to show you star-

dust, as ashes return, down under earth

in the form of a coral reef, a small,

even, infinitesimal portion

works as lost memories inside your brain,

haunting your body within lithe muscles,

over tissues that remember the past.

Will you find happiness in life? The truth

indeed escapes all who seek out of pain,

limited by our own mindsets, a fire

lights the forest only to burn the brush.

How you deal with your dissatisfaction

enters every encounter with strangers,

let water flush past the wheat in a sieve,

present the gift as glorified knowledge.

Young flesh bursts at vessels, experience

opens the eyes of perception, to learn,

understand money within big business.

Tragic no one listens or cares to hear,

only platitudes, trite sayings, fine words.

Liquid sunshine, plasma irradiates

activities on earth, the slightest tilt

under the flight of solar flares, wakes up

grieving widows in their isolation,

how will you reply my love when I'm gone?

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