Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Wandering Jew ~ Saturday, January 15, 2022

Thoughtfulness is not my forte somehow

How I lost the ability to care

Or foresee and predict expectations

Understanding the needs others may have

Given desire to connect and be loved

Haunts our very existence like sorrow

To witness the suffering of others

Forget the reasons why I lost the knack

Until I get it back, I won't be whole

Living like a ghoul, concerned with my needs

Not concerned with other's aspirations

Eventually, it all runs out of gas

Systems fail to protect our basic needs

Somehow I became someone I don't know

In winter, you see it, thoughtfulness cares

Slaps me in the face every time I see

Nice people putting up a Christmas tree

Only I think about trees and the earth

Trust in the path set out before we came

My ability to become thoughtful

Yet requires a great leap forward in faith

Faith is not my forte, I am but lost

Of fortitude and strength, act courageous

Remember others will remember us

To say, to think, to act, all this is judged

Even on earth, our actions mean the world

Somehow I became a monster, a troll

Or some other kind of mythical beast

Maybe it was just a habit I lost

Eventually, I could get it back, no

How could I be so stupid as to lose

Our humanity to care for others

Would that I had the discipline to grow

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