Saturday, January 15, 2022

Superconductivity ~ Saturday, January 15, 2022

We start with a question, as if there's a problem; we notice something's wrong.

Even the slightest shift in the continuum; we notice something strange.

Strangeness gets in the way; if a leaf, it's nothing; if a person, we shift.

To transform the nature of a problem, language; we call it something else.

As if regulations, surveillance by the state, and laws make things better.

Resolve to start again, as if the problem weren't, weren't a problem, that is.

To judge with perspective whether something is wrong, depends on the context.

Words get in the way, yet create categories to pigeonhole defects.

In this world we create out of anomalies, systems to recover.

To understand the myths within our own culture, we must step back to see.

However, one step back does not entail two steps forward but the reverse.

As we defend progress, one step forward, two steps back, we see a pattern.

Questions do not imply a given solution but one of convenience.

Until we imagine what it must be like for a person in their place.

Even the best people cannot judge a person without seeing their past.

Sliding down into hell on earth, oblivion, nobody notices.

To ignore a problem is much worse than to see choices for what they are.

In decision-making, we may choose right from wrong to succeed in our goals.

Of course, some of us make bad decisions over and over until dust.

No one can recover what was lost or taken, manifest destiny.

As someone from outside the cultural givens, I come to bear witness.

Still, I do not know why we act the way we do for I am not Buddha.

In this world, the problems accumulate like books stacked in a library.

Find a book out of place, it has a location; it is not but should be.

To say people are like books in a library, a simplification.

However, to displease creates the conditions for a need to control.

Enter the state to serve, to offer aid, protect its own vested interests.

Religion, organized or otherwise is no better solving problems.

Each individual has inherent and inalienable rights.

Seek for others as self for the most wretched dog is better than a prince.

As we see a problem does the other see it as well in her strangeness?

Perhaps our empathy is lacking character, lacking integrity.

Royalty is not held fully accountable for their bad decisions.

Of course, "above the law" is created by them and handed down to us.

Be that as it may, still we suffer in kind from this type of legacy.

Let people in power face the consequences of their actions as we do.

Entitlement, privilege, discrimination, lies, hatred and bigotry.

Must we not face the facts of shameful legacies handed down like old clothes?

We may twiddle our thumbs by suspending judgment as the Greeks before us.

Even skepticism has its place on the shelves of local libraries.

Now to discuss the poor as a problem versus the wealthy, full of power.

Of course, the problem is not the poor or wealthy but opportunities.

To receive a handout creates the conditions for sheer dependency.

If, however, the need is immediate, now is the time to act just.

Create the conditions to justify actions, to right wrongs presented.

Enable a hand up, assistance to help climb up ladders, not descend.

Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong.

Of course, to state six times "something's wrong" (now seven) is not mere rhetoric.

Murder is a problem in Chicago, we know from history as place.

Enter geography as more than simply maps but as dialectic.

Travel the world in time and witness all places to uncover the truth.

Honor and dignity have no place in our world, why, I have no reason.

If I venture to guess, to speculate on myth, we live in dismal times.

Not that this is the truth from a bygone era but belief in the gods.

God is our delusion or belief based on faith, no problem but a game.

Some will die in the name of God for religion and belief, full of faith.

Witness a shift in thought from self to the other, from strangeness to the soul.

Reciprocal meetings of the mind, we witness when we overcome lies.

Our dependency on gratification of immaterial needs.

Necessitates a shift to seeing other's needs before our own excess.

Grace comes from the hidden, lost deep within shadows, we find our worth, not wealth.

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